So, I thought I would steal Diva Bud's template. :)
How far along: 13 weeks today.
Total weight change: + 4-5 pounds.
Maternity clothes: I really only wear one pair of maternity clothes. It's a pair of blue jean shorts that a girlfriend is letting me borrow. The non-maternity shorts became too uncomfortable on me. I can still wear everything else, though. :)
Stretch Marks: None that I have noticed.
Nothing yet. I'm looking forward to adding to this category in the weeks to come.
Sleep: I haven't been taking any naps lately (I have never been a napper until I became pregnant), but I'm exhausted by 9:00 each evening. I'm constantly getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. I pee more at night than I do during the day. Geesh.
Best Moment This Past Week: Becoming excited about this pregnancy- finally! I was a little detached in the beginning, but I'm starting to come around.
Difficult Moment This Past Week: Nausea. It's starting to get really old. I've only thrown up once (around 7 weeks). I'll take it, though! Every night, I pray for ALL of the pregnancy symptoms because they bring me reassurance.
Belly Button In or Out: In!
Cravings/Aversions: I don't really crave anything- some food just sounds more appealing than others. For example- I've been wanting Taco Bell nachos (terrible for me, I know), and Mr. Bossy Bud went and got me some last night. Afterwards, I felt awful. Gassy, indigestion, and I even burped some of it up! Eeew. Don't think I'll be eating that again in the near future!
Symptoms: TENDER nipples, achey breasts, nausea, headaches from &*%#, and frequent urination at night.
I return to my OB on July 10th!!! Fingers crossed that everything is still lookin' A-OK. :)
June 29, 2012
June 27, 2012
33 weeks!
Posted by
Curly Bud
7:45 PM
How far along: 33 weeks today...49 days to go! This week his eyes are staying open while he's awake, his brain is undergoing major development, his bones are hardening and he's starting to coordinate his breathing with sucking and swallowing. He weighs over 4 pounds and is now over 17 inches reports that he may grow up to an inch this week!
Maternity clothes: Still every dag-gone day.
Stretch Marks: None new, but I did get a little "scare" a couple nights ago when I was putting on lotion and thought that I saw some new red stretch marks. It turns out that it was a trick of the light. I'm happy to report the road map still looks the same.
Movement: He's still moving really well. Got a little nervous last night when I hadn't felt him move much last evening. Luckily, he made up for it after my shower last night while I was reclining in bed. SUCH A RELIEF! He was doing some serious karate today (that's what I call it when he's really active) so I've enjoyed him letting me know that he's still here and doing okay. =o)
Sleep: Same...I'm having to change sides every couple of hours or else my hips hurt too much. And now I have to either support my tummy while I roll over and sit up into a reclining position to roll over. Not to mention the peeing...
Best Moment This Past Week: Mr. CB and I had birthing class this past weekend (sorry I forgot to mention it last post). It was pretty cool, a couple of weird moments when we were trying different relaxation poses because of the belly but we learned a lot of things and Mr. CB was very receptive. We definitely feel more prepared!
Most Difficult Moment This Past Week: Hands-down the scare from last night. But I did have a patient make (yet another) comment yesterday. I called her back to the scale and she asked me "You haven't had that baby yet?" (Now I've never seen this lady a day in my life.) I said something like "I'm only eight months!" to which she sobered a little and asked "Are you having twins?" I mean really?!?! Come on lady...I don't know you...and I'm NO WHERE NEAR BIG ENOUGH TO BE DUE OR TO BE HAVING TWINS!
Belly Button In or Out: Still an inny, but I don't think it will be for long...
Cravings/Aversions: The sweet-tooth has completely taken over this past week, as I'm sure the scale will enjoy showing me at my next appointment on Monday. =o(
Symptoms: Let's see...fatigue? Definitely. Hot-flashes? Flashes? More like a constant inferno!! Swelling? You betcha! My ankles are super sexy. Increased urination? Yeah, some...I love it when Parker punches my bladder. Braxton-Hicks? Only when I'm on my feet too long or don't take in enough water. They're not bad though.
That's it for now...
33 Weeks,
childbirth class,
Curly Bud,
June 21, 2012
21w5d :)
Posted by
Diva Bud
11:45 PM
Here is another update and a new US pic!
How far along: 21 weeks 5 days!
Total weight change: +14 total, based on Doctor's office scale (yikes!) But nurse said I was fine, and Dr. C had nothing to say about it... Just have to make sure I don't gain too much more, especially since I started out overweight. Next appointment is July 5th :)
Maternity clothes: For the most part, I am staying away from actual maternity clothes... I got some stretch yoga pants at old navy which happened to be Maternity (this particular store has a small Maternity section), but the rest of the stuff I've been wearing has been stretch pants, leggings, dresses, and the only pair of jeans that still fit, and look like they'll fit for a while longer :)
Stretch Marks: Yes, same as before, unfortunately :(
Movement: As predicted in my last post, this has definitely increased! He is moving a lot more regularly now :) I am actually really looking forward to Mr. DBud being able to feel his movements.
Sleep: Still love my Boppy Total Body Pillow! :) :) :) Woke up with a headache today, but I have a feeling it was just an "off" day.
Best Moment This Past Week: Having more regular movement, and getting a chance to see him at our 21w4d ultrasound :)
Most Difficult Moment This Past Week: Getting sick both Monday and Tuesday morning of this week... Not fun :( oh, and the WICKED heartburn I've been having.
Belly Button In or Out: Still in, but not as deep as it used to be... and we've got linea nigra! Mine starts way above my belly button and then continues down under, and is still kind of light... but Mr. DBud noticed it :)
Cravings/Aversions: Same as before... Pizza from this place nearby called "Roman's" and strawberries :) I'm also loving my Ham&Cheese hot pockets, and LOVE cereal :)
Symptoms: The swelling in my ankles has gone down, tremendously, but my heartburn has definitely increased, which sucks. I was also sick a couple times this week, which I mentioned above.
We had another anatomy scan this week, which was great! I have to go back again next week to have some more measurements... But everything looks good, so far! Here is a picture of our sweet baby :)

Until next time :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
How far along: 21 weeks 5 days!
Total weight change: +14 total, based on Doctor's office scale (yikes!) But nurse said I was fine, and Dr. C had nothing to say about it... Just have to make sure I don't gain too much more, especially since I started out overweight. Next appointment is July 5th :)
Maternity clothes: For the most part, I am staying away from actual maternity clothes... I got some stretch yoga pants at old navy which happened to be Maternity (this particular store has a small Maternity section), but the rest of the stuff I've been wearing has been stretch pants, leggings, dresses, and the only pair of jeans that still fit, and look like they'll fit for a while longer :)
Stretch Marks: Yes, same as before, unfortunately :(
Movement: As predicted in my last post, this has definitely increased! He is moving a lot more regularly now :) I am actually really looking forward to Mr. DBud being able to feel his movements.
Sleep: Still love my Boppy Total Body Pillow! :) :) :) Woke up with a headache today, but I have a feeling it was just an "off" day.
Best Moment This Past Week: Having more regular movement, and getting a chance to see him at our 21w4d ultrasound :)
Most Difficult Moment This Past Week: Getting sick both Monday and Tuesday morning of this week... Not fun :( oh, and the WICKED heartburn I've been having.
Belly Button In or Out: Still in, but not as deep as it used to be... and we've got linea nigra! Mine starts way above my belly button and then continues down under, and is still kind of light... but Mr. DBud noticed it :)
Cravings/Aversions: Same as before... Pizza from this place nearby called "Roman's" and strawberries :) I'm also loving my Ham&Cheese hot pockets, and LOVE cereal :)
Symptoms: The swelling in my ankles has gone down, tremendously, but my heartburn has definitely increased, which sucks. I was also sick a couple times this week, which I mentioned above.
We had another anatomy scan this week, which was great! I have to go back again next week to have some more measurements... But everything looks good, so far! Here is a picture of our sweet baby :)

Until next time :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Diva Bud
June 20, 2012
Tick tock...
Posted by
Curly Bud
7:30 PM
Well hello ladies! Sorry it's been a while since I've posted (I'm getting SO tired of saying that!) but at least I see that I'm not the only one who's had trouble keeping up. =o)
Here's the update...
Total weight change: I gained 4 pounds at the last office visit last week (Tuesday it was, I think). My OB told me that I was measuring right at 33 weeks and that they may do another ultrasound to measure fetal growth. That made me feel bad because I don't like being reprimanded and I want and am trying to be as healthy as I can but can't seem to get a handle on the weight gain.
Maternity clothes:
Stretch Marks: No new ones...yay!
Movement: Even more so than last week/post. I've noticed that he seems like it when I rub my stomach. Not like a light caress but with slight pressure. He just sticks out his butt / or leg / or whatever for me to rub and when I stop he begins to wiggle and kick. It's become a little ritual at bedtime.
Sleep: Sleep has actually improved lately. I seem to be sleeping hard and feeling more rested when I do wake up, though the fatigue throughout the day has definitely increased.
Best Moment This Past Week: No "bests" to speak of. I have found myself being more enchanted this past week or so with his movement. Just knowing that that movement and the visible movement in my tummy are MY SON. There is a human in there and I helped create him and he is mine. It's so surreal and hard to wrap my head around it.
Most Difficult Moment This Past Week: Yesterday, one of my mom's coworkers (my mom works in the lab in the doctor's office I work in) told me that my face is getting fat. Anyone who has had weight issues in the past knows that we don't need people telling you how "big" you are. I see myself in the mirror every damn day and yes, I know my face is getting rounder. Thanks! =o/
Belly Button In or Out: Still an inny, but I wonder if that's going to change in the weeks to come because it is now trying to "pucker" a little bit.
Cravings/Aversions: Nothing to speak of.
Symptoms: Still feet/ankles swelling, the fatigue that I mentioned earlier. My acne has actually improved this past week. The attitude has been a little drastic the last few days and I've had to apologize to the hubby a couple of times...he's been great about it though.
That's it for now! Good luck to all you ladies and much love!
Here's the update...
How far along: 32 weeks today! I can't believe that I only have 8 weeks left! Single digits now!
Maternity clothes:
Stretch Marks: No new ones...yay!
Movement: Even more so than last week/post. I've noticed that he seems like it when I rub my stomach. Not like a light caress but with slight pressure. He just sticks out his butt / or leg / or whatever for me to rub and when I stop he begins to wiggle and kick. It's become a little ritual at bedtime.
Sleep: Sleep has actually improved lately. I seem to be sleeping hard and feeling more rested when I do wake up, though the fatigue throughout the day has definitely increased.
Best Moment This Past Week: No "bests" to speak of. I have found myself being more enchanted this past week or so with his movement. Just knowing that that movement and the visible movement in my tummy are MY SON. There is a human in there and I helped create him and he is mine. It's so surreal and hard to wrap my head around it.
Most Difficult Moment This Past Week: Yesterday, one of my mom's coworkers (my mom works in the lab in the doctor's office I work in) told me that my face is getting fat. Anyone who has had weight issues in the past knows that we don't need people telling you how "big" you are. I see myself in the mirror every damn day and yes, I know my face is getting rounder. Thanks! =o/
Belly Button In or Out: Still an inny, but I wonder if that's going to change in the weeks to come because it is now trying to "pucker" a little bit.
Cravings/Aversions: Nothing to speak of.
Symptoms: Still feet/ankles swelling, the fatigue that I mentioned earlier. My acne has actually improved this past week. The attitude has been a little drastic the last few days and I've had to apologize to the hubby a couple of times...he's been great about it though.
That's it for now! Good luck to all you ladies and much love!
32 Weeks,
3rd Trimester,
Curly Bud,
June 15, 2012
20w6d update :)
Posted by
Diva Bud
3:55 PM
First off, a BIG Congrats to Bossy Bud on her little Sprout :) It is such an exciting time, and I am so glad she will be able to experience it :) Hopefully, soon, a few other Buds will be able to have the same feeling :) I pray for this all the time!
I've been a bad blogger lately... :( I got on Vacation, had a recital, and have been working on the house whenever time has allowed. After moving in February, I still had the back room as the "catch-all" room, which means it still has the boxes that need to be unpacked. Problem is, come October, that's going to be the Baby's room... so it's time to start fixing it up, and cleaning it out! Thankfully, I'm on vacation, and have time to work on it ;)
I had my OB appointment at 19w4d, and it went well :) I posted some details below, but for the most part, it was pretty routine. I peed in the cup, got weighed, had my blood pressure taken, then waited in the room for the Dr. He came in, measured my belly, used the doppler to hear the baby's heartbeat, and told me he wants to see me back the first week in July :)
Aside from all that, here is my current update :) :) :)
How far along: 20 weeks, 6 days!!
Total weight change: +14 total, based on Doctor's office scale (yikes!) But nurse said I was fine, and Dr. C had nothing to say about it... Just have to make sure I don't gain too much more, especially since I started out overweight. Next appointment is July 5th :)
Maternity clothes: For the most part, I am staying away from actual maternity clothes... I got some stretch yoga pants at old navy which happened to be Maternity (this particular store has a small Maternity section), but the rest of the stuff I've been wearing has been stretch pants, leggings, dresses, and the only pair of jeans that still fit, and look like they'll fit for a while longer :)
Stretch Marks: Yes, same as before, unfortunately :(
Movement: Started noticing the beginning of "quickening" yesterday morning! I have a feeling this will definitely increase these upcoming weeks ;)
Sleep: Still love my Boppy Total Body Pillow! :) :) :)
Best Moment This Past Week: Starting to feel some movement, and getting the house "in shape" (cleaning, purging, and getting the 2nd bedroom ready for Baby)
Most Difficult Moment This Past Week: Realizing that I still have to keep up with putting something in my belly every couple of hours... Had to pull over and toss my cookies a couple of days ago... Not fun!
Belly Button In or Out: Still in, but not as deep as it used to be... and we've got linea nigra! Mine starts way above my belly button and then continues down under, and is still kind of light... but Mr. DBud noticed it :)
Cravings/Aversions: Pizza from this place nearby called "Roman's" and strawberries :) I'm also loving my Ham&Cheese hot pockets, and LOVE cereal :)
Symptoms: MS has died down a bit (aside from that episode I had), so I am hoping it is gone for good. Boobies are currently not sore, but huge! And other than that, I've been on a mission to get this house cleaned and fixed up while on Summer break.
Tomorrow, I will be 21 weeks! I honestly can't wait until the baby kicks hard enough for Mr. DBud to feel him :) I feel as though he has been more in-tune with this pregnancy lately. Much more attentive to the belly, talking to it, kissing it, caressing it. He is so excited, and it's so sweet to see :) I feel so blessed to have him in my life, and to be carrying his son.
Wednesday I am having the 2nd anatomy scan, so I should have a nice update then :) Can't wait!!!
Until next time <3
I've been a bad blogger lately... :( I got on Vacation, had a recital, and have been working on the house whenever time has allowed. After moving in February, I still had the back room as the "catch-all" room, which means it still has the boxes that need to be unpacked. Problem is, come October, that's going to be the Baby's room... so it's time to start fixing it up, and cleaning it out! Thankfully, I'm on vacation, and have time to work on it ;)
I had my OB appointment at 19w4d, and it went well :) I posted some details below, but for the most part, it was pretty routine. I peed in the cup, got weighed, had my blood pressure taken, then waited in the room for the Dr. He came in, measured my belly, used the doppler to hear the baby's heartbeat, and told me he wants to see me back the first week in July :)
Aside from all that, here is my current update :) :) :)
How far along: 20 weeks, 6 days!!
Total weight change: +14 total, based on Doctor's office scale (yikes!) But nurse said I was fine, and Dr. C had nothing to say about it... Just have to make sure I don't gain too much more, especially since I started out overweight. Next appointment is July 5th :)
Maternity clothes: For the most part, I am staying away from actual maternity clothes... I got some stretch yoga pants at old navy which happened to be Maternity (this particular store has a small Maternity section), but the rest of the stuff I've been wearing has been stretch pants, leggings, dresses, and the only pair of jeans that still fit, and look like they'll fit for a while longer :)
Stretch Marks: Yes, same as before, unfortunately :(
Movement: Started noticing the beginning of "quickening" yesterday morning! I have a feeling this will definitely increase these upcoming weeks ;)
Sleep: Still love my Boppy Total Body Pillow! :) :) :)
Best Moment This Past Week: Starting to feel some movement, and getting the house "in shape" (cleaning, purging, and getting the 2nd bedroom ready for Baby)
Most Difficult Moment This Past Week: Realizing that I still have to keep up with putting something in my belly every couple of hours... Had to pull over and toss my cookies a couple of days ago... Not fun!
Belly Button In or Out: Still in, but not as deep as it used to be... and we've got linea nigra! Mine starts way above my belly button and then continues down under, and is still kind of light... but Mr. DBud noticed it :)
Cravings/Aversions: Pizza from this place nearby called "Roman's" and strawberries :) I'm also loving my Ham&Cheese hot pockets, and LOVE cereal :)
Symptoms: MS has died down a bit (aside from that episode I had), so I am hoping it is gone for good. Boobies are currently not sore, but huge! And other than that, I've been on a mission to get this house cleaned and fixed up while on Summer break.
Tomorrow, I will be 21 weeks! I honestly can't wait until the baby kicks hard enough for Mr. DBud to feel him :) I feel as though he has been more in-tune with this pregnancy lately. Much more attentive to the belly, talking to it, kissing it, caressing it. He is so excited, and it's so sweet to see :) I feel so blessed to have him in my life, and to be carrying his son.
Wednesday I am having the 2nd anatomy scan, so I should have a nice update then :) Can't wait!!!
Until next time <3
June 12, 2012
Introducing- Sprout!
Posted by
Bossy Bud
12:08 PM
I'm back from "rest", and it's been great.
First, being told to take a week and a half off from work would be a typical person's dream come true. For a teacher at the end of the school year, it's not what you want to hear. I did it, though- and I didn't complain. I enjoyed my time at home (though I soon realized there is NOTHING on television during the day) and spent most of it on the couch.
I returned to work last week for the last few days of school. It was nice being back, and my students were glad to see me (most of them). They were a tremendous help with packing up my room, and I grateful that I was able to say goodbye to each of them on our last day together.
I'm officially on V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N ( in the summertime). :)
I had my first OB visit today. It was nice not having to wake up at the crack of dawn to drive an hour to see my doctor. It was also nice not having to take my pants off for an ultrasound!
I arrived right on time (after chugging my 32 oz of water), and they called my name immediately. I held my breath as Sprout popped up on the screen. I found myself searching for the heartbeat, and asked the tech to point it out. It wasn't as noticeable as when she/he was smaller. It was a normal 160 bpm! Whew.
Given the date of my FET transfer, I should be 10 weeks 4 days today. Sprout was measuring at 11 weeks! My OB did a pap smear since I hadn't had one in so long. I asked if it might cause spotting later and she said yes. I'm really glad I asked, or I probably would have freaked out. They sent me for labs and then home with a ton of literature to read.
I return on July 10th for another visit.
Bossy Bud
First, being told to take a week and a half off from work would be a typical person's dream come true. For a teacher at the end of the school year, it's not what you want to hear. I did it, though- and I didn't complain. I enjoyed my time at home (though I soon realized there is NOTHING on television during the day) and spent most of it on the couch.
I returned to work last week for the last few days of school. It was nice being back, and my students were glad to see me (most of them). They were a tremendous help with packing up my room, and I grateful that I was able to say goodbye to each of them on our last day together.
I'm officially on V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N ( in the summertime). :)
I had my first OB visit today. It was nice not having to wake up at the crack of dawn to drive an hour to see my doctor. It was also nice not having to take my pants off for an ultrasound!
I arrived right on time (after chugging my 32 oz of water), and they called my name immediately. I held my breath as Sprout popped up on the screen. I found myself searching for the heartbeat, and asked the tech to point it out. It wasn't as noticeable as when she/he was smaller. It was a normal 160 bpm! Whew.
Given the date of my FET transfer, I should be 10 weeks 4 days today. Sprout was measuring at 11 weeks! My OB did a pap smear since I hadn't had one in so long. I asked if it might cause spotting later and she said yes. I'm really glad I asked, or I probably would have freaked out. They sent me for labs and then home with a ton of literature to read.
I return on July 10th for another visit.
Bossy Bud
June 7, 2012
Results are In
Posted by
Explorer Bud
5:34 PM
I called the RE's office and got my blood test results and my levels are all too high to do IVF in July. He is bumping my Thyroid up to get my levels back to 1 as well. I can retest in 2 months to see if they are low enough to try again.
Estrodial: 70
Testosterone: 166
T3: 3.3
TSH: 3.43
Bummer but it does give me more time to be doing Acupuncture, get off sugar and get into shape. Maybe I will be more motivated than I have been to do these things but the past 6 months I have not been motivated to do anything healthy. I really think I have been in a pity party slump for awhile now but still trying to carry on with my daily life. I have been praying, as always, to get an answer about doing another round of IVF and what other things I should be doing to improve my chances. So maybe this is an answer in giving me more time to get my act together and be the healthiest I can be.
I went to the acupuncturist today and we talked about herbs and how they may interact with Metformin and he didn't feel like it would be a good idea. I think I will still go and see the other acupuncturist that my MIL's waxing girl went to who sounds a lot more knowledgeable about diet and herbs than mine to have a diet/nutrition consultation.

Explorer Bud,
June 5, 2012
19w3d and doing fine :)
Posted by
Diva Bud
10:55 AM
It's been a while since I've come around... But, with this being the end of the school year, things have continued to be hectic! I am definitely looking forward to Summer break and a little R&R. Still, I will be very busy getting the nursery cleaned out and starting to prepare that, as well as helping with Baby Shower plans and everything in between...
Here is what is currently going on:
How far along: 17 weeks, 3 days!!
Total weight change: +6 total, based on Doctor's office scale. We have no scale at home... Have to wait until my next weigh in, which will be tomorrow!
Maternity clothes: Same as last time... The only thing "maternity" I have purchased has been a belly band, which I use with most of my jeans... I have one pair of jeans left that fit comfortably, because they were huge on me pre-pregnancy... but ALL others are either too tight or don't close at all. I feel most comfortable in leggings, stretchy pants and dresses. I need to do a little shopping...
Stretch Marks: Yes, same as before, unfortunately :( I bought some "Bio Oil" which has come highly recommended for this "issue", and I am hoping it works. It does smell nice, though :) So far, so good!
Movement: None, that I've noticed... But I have a feeling these gasses and other little funny feelings may be the start of some noticeable movement ;)
Sleep: Still love my Boppy Total Body Pillow! :) :) :)
Best Moment This Past Week: Finding out that our integrated screenings all came back normal, and getting to see our little boy again :) the anatomy scan went really well, and apparently he was already weighing 10oz!
Most Difficult Moment This Past Week: Tossing my ENTIRE breakfast this morning, and then continuing to feel like garbage afterwards. Thank you to saltine crackers and sprite!
Belly Button In or Out: Still in, but not as deep as it used to be...
Cravings/Aversions: Pizza from this place nearby called "Roman's" and strawberries :)
Symptoms: Occasionally tired, but I blame that on things being so hectic... MS has died down a bit (aside from that episode I had), so I am hoping it is gone for good. Boobies are currently not sore, but huge!
Here are some shots from our last ultrasound at 8w4d :) next one is on June 20th!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Here is what is currently going on:
How far along: 17 weeks, 3 days!!
Total weight change: +6 total, based on Doctor's office scale. We have no scale at home... Have to wait until my next weigh in, which will be tomorrow!
Maternity clothes: Same as last time... The only thing "maternity" I have purchased has been a belly band, which I use with most of my jeans... I have one pair of jeans left that fit comfortably, because they were huge on me pre-pregnancy... but ALL others are either too tight or don't close at all. I feel most comfortable in leggings, stretchy pants and dresses. I need to do a little shopping...
Stretch Marks: Yes, same as before, unfortunately :( I bought some "Bio Oil" which has come highly recommended for this "issue", and I am hoping it works. It does smell nice, though :) So far, so good!
Movement: None, that I've noticed... But I have a feeling these gasses and other little funny feelings may be the start of some noticeable movement ;)
Sleep: Still love my Boppy Total Body Pillow! :) :) :)
Best Moment This Past Week: Finding out that our integrated screenings all came back normal, and getting to see our little boy again :) the anatomy scan went really well, and apparently he was already weighing 10oz!
Most Difficult Moment This Past Week: Tossing my ENTIRE breakfast this morning, and then continuing to feel like garbage afterwards. Thank you to saltine crackers and sprite!
Belly Button In or Out: Still in, but not as deep as it used to be...
Cravings/Aversions: Pizza from this place nearby called "Roman's" and strawberries :)
Symptoms: Occasionally tired, but I blame that on things being so hectic... MS has died down a bit (aside from that episode I had), so I am hoping it is gone for good. Boobies are currently not sore, but huge!
Here are some shots from our last ultrasound at 8w4d :) next one is on June 20th!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
19 Weeks,
Anatomy Scan,
Diva Bud
June 4, 2012
Welcome Baby Maya
Posted by
Lucky Bud
9:02 PM
Baby Maya was born June 4th (my sister and brothers birthday!) at 12:11 am. It was a long and difficult labor, but we are both doing well now. I will work on my birth story tomorrow!
![]() |
Baby Maya, 5 lbs, 9 ounces, 20 inches |
Birth Story,
Lucky Bud
Blood Work Check
Posted by
Explorer Bud
2:18 PM
I went in today for my Hormone level check to see if they have dropped down low enough from my Bioidentical Hormone Treatments to start IVF next month. If so I will start back on BCP's and probably start injections sometime in July. If not we will just wait another month and retest the hormone levels. Mr. EB and I just got back from a week in Hawaii relaxing and enjoying doing nothing. A great way to relax before IVF!!
Oh I have been doing the Ovulation tests and so far I have a faint line on all of them but nowhere near as dark as the base line is. We are on day 18 so I am going to stop testing when I run out of test strips.

Explorer Bud,
June 2, 2012
Sorry guys...again :o)
Posted by
Curly Bud
6:22 PM
Sorry for being MIA (again). We've been working extra hard to get the house finished...and still aren't as close as I wish we were. Don't get me wrong, we're making great progress but with Mr. CB working 2 jobs it's a little tough. Luckily we're in the painting stage so I can help with a lot more than I could in the construction stage. I must say though: I am getting extremely frustrated. This project has been ongoing for over a year...and we haven't even begun on the nursery! I know what we still have some time, but I don't like scrambling at the last minute.
Total weight
change: I'm ashamed to say 34 pounds by the doc's scale. I don't like it, but I haven't been eating like I have no sense either. I've always had a sluggish metabolism and weight gain has always been a struggle for me. So I'm trying to eat even more fruits and salads than I already was. I'm not extremely worried about getting the weight off since I've done it before.
Maternity clothes: Every dag-gone day. One of the girls' moms at work made me some maternity scrubs so that's nice. I had wanted to try it myself but I have no idea where my sewing machine is in all this crap. Unfortunately I don't have any "comfy" clothes that I can do this house stuff in, so I've been wearing Mr. CB's athletic pants and undershirts. Needless to say, they don't fit the greatest and my belly hangs out the bottom of the shirt when I raise my arms. (Not cool since his dad and brother are over here a lot to help...we haven't had the best relationship in the past).
Stretch Marks: Well since I was overweight pretty much until the age of 23, yes I have stretch marks in the "normal" places: on my hips, breasts and some on my inner thighs and arms. Nothing since the pregnancy though...thinking the loose skin has helped that situation and I've been using lotions, etc as well.
Movement: Parker is moving really well now...especially in the last week or so. I used to only really feel him when I was reclined in bed (not lying flat, of course). Now I feel him nearly all the time. The girls at work love feeling him move as well. I try to get Mr. CB to feel him as often as I can when he's at home so he doesn't miss it.
Sleep: Welllllll...sleep is kind of iffy for me right now. I hate to say it, but I sleep the best when Mr. CB is working (one of his jobs is 3rd shift...we're hoping to get the house re-financed soon so he can quit). We have a queen (I plan on getting a king ASAP) so it gets a little crowded with me, Parker, all my pillows and Mr. CB. Speaking of pillows...DIVA: I feel ya girl on the Boppy!!! I've had mine maybe 2 months or so. Absolutely AWESOME! :o)
Best Moment This Past Week: I felt Parker having the hiccups for the first time last weekend. It was wonderful and I couldn't stop smiling and holding my hand to my tummy to feel him.
Most Difficult Moment This Past Week: Being "counseled" on my weight gain at the OB's this past Tuesday. I seriously don't like being reprimanded. :o/
Belly Button In or Out: Oh it's still an inny. It looks funny a frowny-face. I wish I could explain it...and I wish I had the courage to post a pic.
Cravings/Aversions: Hmmm. I was craving a McDonald's sausage-egg-and-cheese biscuit last weekend. I did indulge myself and get one...okay 2 (Saturday and Sunday). Other than that...nope.
Symptoms: None really. The 3rd trimester fatigue hasn't set in yet. I do have some swelling in my feet and ankles...really not cute. I've been trying to keep them elevated but it's been tough with the house.
How far
along: Today I am 29 weeks, 3 days. I'm so glad that Dive found this template because I plan on copying her and Lucky but using it. ;o) This week, Parker is approximately 15.5in long, weighs about 2.75lbs and is about the size of an acorn squash. He's growing fat deposits under his skin and his energy level has increased because of this.
Maternity clothes: Every dag-gone day. One of the girls' moms at work made me some maternity scrubs so that's nice. I had wanted to try it myself but I have no idea where my sewing machine is in all this crap. Unfortunately I don't have any "comfy" clothes that I can do this house stuff in, so I've been wearing Mr. CB's athletic pants and undershirts. Needless to say, they don't fit the greatest and my belly hangs out the bottom of the shirt when I raise my arms. (Not cool since his dad and brother are over here a lot to help...we haven't had the best relationship in the past).
Stretch Marks: Well since I was overweight pretty much until the age of 23, yes I have stretch marks in the "normal" places: on my hips, breasts and some on my inner thighs and arms. Nothing since the pregnancy though...thinking the loose skin has helped that situation and I've been using lotions, etc as well.
Movement: Parker is moving really well now...especially in the last week or so. I used to only really feel him when I was reclined in bed (not lying flat, of course). Now I feel him nearly all the time. The girls at work love feeling him move as well. I try to get Mr. CB to feel him as often as I can when he's at home so he doesn't miss it.
Sleep: Welllllll...sleep is kind of iffy for me right now. I hate to say it, but I sleep the best when Mr. CB is working (one of his jobs is 3rd shift...we're hoping to get the house re-financed soon so he can quit). We have a queen (I plan on getting a king ASAP) so it gets a little crowded with me, Parker, all my pillows and Mr. CB. Speaking of pillows...DIVA: I feel ya girl on the Boppy!!! I've had mine maybe 2 months or so. Absolutely AWESOME! :o)
Best Moment This Past Week: I felt Parker having the hiccups for the first time last weekend. It was wonderful and I couldn't stop smiling and holding my hand to my tummy to feel him.
Most Difficult Moment This Past Week: Being "counseled" on my weight gain at the OB's this past Tuesday. I seriously don't like being reprimanded. :o/
Belly Button In or Out: Oh it's still an inny. It looks funny a frowny-face. I wish I could explain it...and I wish I had the courage to post a pic.
Cravings/Aversions: Hmmm. I was craving a McDonald's sausage-egg-and-cheese biscuit last weekend. I did indulge myself and get one...okay 2 (Saturday and Sunday). Other than that...nope.
Symptoms: None really. The 3rd trimester fatigue hasn't set in yet. I do have some swelling in my feet and ankles...really not cute. I've been trying to keep them elevated but it's been tough with the house.
29 Weeks,
3rd Trimester,
Curly Bud,
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