June 30, 2010
Goodbye USA, hello Central America!

June 28, 2010
In Honor Of the World Cup
Since getting back from Hawaii we have been busy with her nursery. Well I say we, more like Mr. OB has. We have done alot, but still have more to do. On our list to do is:
Put up crown molding
Get rug
Make curtains
Purchase Mattress
Bedding is being made as we speak
Put decal above her crib
Make molding around the decal
Put up poms
We also have a couple of things to do in our house after her nursery is finished. Like I really want to get a big freezer for all the breast milk I will be storing (Crossing fingers here on this one), I want someone to paint the bathroom. I don’t mind helping though. We need to get some new patio furniture and put some frames up in the guest bedroom.
Hopefully these things can be done in the next couple of weeks. If not, oh well it will be fine.
This weekend Mr. OB and I deep cleaned the floors because our dumb dog Floppy thinks our floor is the backyard and keeps peeing on it. Apparently he knows something is up and knows he is no longer the baby. Well he better get over that fast. My mom also came down and we did some baby shopping and recovered a lampshade with fabric. Lets just say it was little more difficult than the website showed but we got it!
I’ll give you a couple of sneak peaks into Baby OB’s room. She is going to have a pretty awesome room. She’s already so lucky!
Her view from her crib


The fabric for her bedding being made as we speak!

View from the door

Also I’ve been bad at having Mr. OB take my photos. Here is a photo I took myself at 26 weeks. Enjoy!
BIG giveaway event coming up next week!!!
The giveaway will feature something for everyone, here's a sneak peak:

June 25, 2010
Almost to 15 weeks and time is flying!
My appetite is growing, too, which is probably the most enjoyable thing about being pregnant so far. Last night I had 2 ice cream desserts, 2 hours apart! At my 14w checkup I had already gained 11 lbs., which alarmed me, so I'm trying to put the brakes on a little bit. Right now, that includes swapping full-fat Ben & Jerry's for coconut whole fruit Popsicles. Hey, every little bit counts, right?
June 24, 2010
We Have Ignition!

Halfway there baby!!

So yeah, I'm trucking right along & Baby WB is starting to move a little bit more everyday, which I absolutely live for. It even startles me sometimes how hard she kicks or punches or whatever she's doing in there to her mama. I can't wait till its even more regular & something I can count every couple of hours. Here are my 20 week bump shots (taken actually at 20w1d b/c I forgot to take them on Saturday):

I promise I'll try to be better about posting updates. Ahem, ::looks over at followers in side bar:: I also noticed we now have 100 followers!!!! Yaaay. when we started this blog, just about a year ago now (in about another month), I never knew how many people we would get reading or how well received it would. I'm ecstatic that we now have 100 followers that I think this calls for a summer giveaway! I am gonna see what I can set up - yay! Thanks to all each and every one of you that read & care about us Buds - it truly means much more than you'll ever know. And for that - you guys deserve a reward!
Our planned adventures in Costa Rica and Panama
The Chef Bud's Costa Rica/Panama Itinerary:
Day 2-4: We'll be touring and hiking around Arenal. The lodge offers free guided hikes each morning, and horseback riding for $7! There is a waterfall nearby called La Fortuna Waterfall that we plan on hiking to, and we'll celebrate my birthday on July 3rd by whitewater rafting on the Rio Toro.

Day 7: We'll leave Monteverde and head back to San Jose for our afternoon appointment with Dr. Perez. Hopefully we'll have great news with lots of follicles and a thick lining! After the appointment, we are heading 2 hours southwest to Manuel Antonio.
Day 7-10: For the next 3 nights we'll be staying at Verde Mar ($70 per night), and exploring Quepos and Manuel Antonio National Park. This is Costa Rica's smallest national park, but one of the most diverse with rainforest, beaches and coral reefs. By this point, there is a chance that I will be feeling a little uncomfortable so we don't have many plans other than to lay around on the beach and see the famous monkeys around Quepos. Mr. CB wants to surf, and I'll stick to taking pictures.
Day 10-11: We go back to San Jose on July 10 for our final monitoring appointment. At this point, Dr. Perez will schedule our egg retrieval date. For these 2 nights we're staying at Out of Bounds B&B ($80 a night) which I am so excited about because it looks super cute. We don't have many plans for San Jose, other than dinner out with Holly and her family. I "met" Holly online through Tracie (who went to CR in May for IVF), and Holly is doing IVF with Dr. Perez as well. We've been emailing and I can't wait to meet her!
Day 12: Off to Panama!!! Once we land in Panama, we have a driver meeting us to take us to our apartment. I knew a lot of our time in Panama would be spent relaxing and on bed rest following egg retrieval and egg transfer, so I wanted to have all the comforts of home. I found a great apartment on vrbo.com, and we'll be staying at Posada del Rey ($770 for the week), which is right near the clinic I'll be going to for ER/ET. Panama City reminds me of New York City.

First accomplishment
Next accomplishment is the baby u/s that is this Wednesday, 6/30. I will be 6w3d and am praying that we will be able to see something, not just a black empty sac like we have seen the past two times.

June 22, 2010
Another CD1
June 21, 2010
Back from vacation with some beta numbers
The nurse just called... beta 1 at 14 DPO was 390 and my progesterone was 15 (this is great compared to my last m/c which was at 7). I have been using Crinone 8% progesterone suppositories every morning and will continue to use until I am 13-14 weeks pregnant. My 2 beta's at 21 dpo are 3979!!!
According to justmommies.com my levels are doubling every 50.1 hours (2.1 days), which (thank God) they are right on schedule. In a bout 85% of normal pregnancies, the hCG level (also known as beta's) will double every 48 - 72 hours. The next step is the baby u/s. At that appointment my RE will make sure that the baby is growing in the correct spot, check for a few things and see how many there are. I think this is a singleton pregnancy, but hey you never know!
Without further adieu here are a few pictures from the wedding/vacation:
Our View from the balcony
The beach
Where we sat every morning for breakfast... beautiful views
Rehearsal Dinner
The bride's accessories
Bride and Groom
They are so adorable
After the Carnival & Fire show
And where everyone ended up after the wedding... with dresses and all!!
June 19, 2010
Smelling The Roses
Hello my name is Sarcastic Bud, and I am a control freak.
So, as you can imagine, infertility has hit me where it hurts. Its such a foreign concept to me that I am not perfecting the art of making a baby (Wait, I'm definitely perfecting the art of making the baby, just producing a child from it. TMI? Sorry about that - I'm also an over-sharer). And as much as I just want to hold my breath and stomp my feet in protest because I have not been able to get knocked up and keep a pregnancy for almost 2 years, I know that won't get me anywhere (except maybe a trip to the funny farm, or to the nearest preschool).
But I had a moment of clarity yesterday. I have been investing so much of my time and energy into getting pregnant, I haven't taken a moment in a long time to take in all of the wonderful moments that have been happening in my life. And the good? It far outweighs the bad. In fact, the only bad thing - ahem, bump in the road - in my life right now is this infertility business.
And I would like to take this opportunity right now to share with you, the awesomeness that is my life (in list form, because I am a master list-maker).
1. I am financially stable.
2. My complete kick ass marriage. My husband is my best friend and lover all rolled into one. I have never had a connection with anyone like I have with him. The support that we have given each other over the past year has touched my heart, and made me realize how lucky I really am.
3. I don't have a mortgage to pay. My house was inherited from my grandparents.
4. My dad is now cancer free. He was diagnosed last summer with colon cancer and it completely killed me. My dad is my hero, and to see him going through what he had to go through made my heart actually ache. But now? He's back to riding his Harley and planning his next tattoo (ya, I have a cool dad!) because he has been in remission since March.
5. My husband is the most handsome man I have ever laid eyes on. This is why I'm so good at trying to make babies.
6. The job I am so lucky to have. Who gets their dream job in their 20s? My job is the job I having been wishing for every since I graduated college. I still feel sometimes that I am a little girl playing dress up in her mother's clothes when I'm getting ready for work in the morning, or that I don't actually deserve this job, but ever day I walk in there kicking ass and taking names to prove that I belong there. I get paid to do what I would do for free.
7. I have a wonderful friends. Friends that will be there to dry my tears or buy me a box of wine (keeping it classy) - depending on what the situation calls for.
Yes, this list is a little self-indulgent and maybe boring for others to read, but it has helped me out a lot. If you are going through the same thing that I am, I encourage you to make a list too.
Life goes by far too quickly and if you focus too closely on the negatives, you will miss the positives that makes life worth living.
As for me, I am taking the time right now to stop and smell the roses around me. And there has never been such a sweeter scent in my life.
Heading into another 2WW
I don't quite know if I will do anything different if we aren't pregnant this cycle. I am contemplating calling my OB and see if they can do anything, but I am not sure. We are still both young and definitely could wait a few more months, since a June baby would be perfect for us. I am just have this itching feeling that something is wrong. This honestly could be nothing, but the fact that things (school, dance, teaching) normally come easy for me. I am not used to struggling that much.
Oh well, I have a lot of non-baby things to look forward in the next few months. As of right now I have a day and a half left of school for the year, I am beginning a camp that I love in a week, my friend's bridal shower is next week, and her bachelorette party and wedding are in July. As much as I want to be pregnant, these events may be hard to handle with first trimester queasiness. At least, this is what I am trying to tell myself.
Well, here's to a miracle this month and I am already ready to move onto my next cycle.
June 16, 2010
Another 2ww
I'm guessing that last cycle I also O'd late which is why my cycle was longer than any had been in the past.
I'm still waiting on word about the job opportunity, so until then, I will just keep going with our same routine- that obviously doesn't work!
The good news is that TTC is the only negative aspect of my life. Everything else is really, really, great, which makes it easy to focus on positive things.
Let's see what the next few weeks bring.
June 15, 2010
You're going where to do what???
The doctor I will be seeing is Dr. Ariel Perez Young. His practice is established in San Jose, Costa Rica, and from what I’ve heard, it is THE clinic to go to if you’re struggling with infertility. I haven’t spoken to Dr. Perez at all. Any contact I have is through Mark Semple, the president of Passport Medical. He’s basically my middle man (which is good since I don’t speak any Spanish!) and he has set up all of my appointments and answered any questions I have about the process. If I have a question for the doctor (I was wondering a few weeks ago what his minimum lining thickness was for transfer), then Mark will email Dr. Perez and then get back to me.
I started birth control pills when I started my May cycle. Luckily I started my period towards the end of the month, so I will be on the pill for a total of five weeks. This will suppress my ovaries and allows my cycle to line up with the time frame needed for travel. I stop the pill on June 26, and fly to Costa Rica on July 1. I will have my first monitoring appointment that afternoon, and start my stimming medicine that day as well. I go back for monitoring on July 7 and July 10. Hopefully I have tons of great looking follicles and at this point my egg retrieval will be scheduled.
On July 12, we fly to Panama with Dr. Perez. The reason you have to go to another country is because IVF is illegal in Costa Rica. I did a little research, and basically back in the early 2000’s IVF was banned in Costa Rica because of religious reasons. There are still some artificial reproductive technologies that are acceptable, but IVF is not one of them. So to get around this law, Dr. Perez takes his patients to nearby Panama to perform the actual retrieval and transfer. We’ll be in Panama from July 12-19, and during this week we will have the retrieval and transfer. We fly home on July 19, and then wait a few days before POAS! Any after care I need will be through my OBGYN.
So this in a nutshell is IVF in Costa Rica and Panama. It’s a lot of planning and traveling and uncertainty, but the same can be said for an IVF cycle in the US. What is really different is the price. We had a quote from our local RE of about $14,500 for IVF and medications. We will be approximately $4500 for the same procedure and the same medications in Costa Rica/Panama. The IVF is $2800, three monitoring appointments are $85 each and medication is roughly $1500. Even when we add in our travel costs, we will be well under what it would have cost us here. And we’re going on a vacation for 19 days! You can't beat that!

June 14, 2010
No update so far!
Only thing going on is I'm terrified to have sex. We are clear to have sex now and I tried and had to stop and shook like a leaf for about an hour afterward. I'm afraid of bleeding and pain. Hopefully I get over that sometime soon...
Back to the RE on July 15 for my followup and discuss what our TTC course of action will be now. Hopefully it won't involve anymore surgeries!
June 13, 2010
its official...
I am excited but yet EXTREMELY scared. Since I POAS Every time I use the restroom I am petrified of seeing blood on the toilet paper.
We were on a break this cycle (you could read on it here) but I was still using OPK's so that I had an idea where I was in my cycle. After ovulation this cycle, I had some cramps on and off which I normally do not have and creamy cm, then 8 dpo I started to smell any food from like a mile away! especially yogurts.
On Wednesday night I caved and tested on the cheap amazon tests and it had a very faint line. Yes, I know a line is a line but I was still in doubt. Then speaking to a good friend she convinced me to test with a digital on Thursday and that's when I saw this....
Tomorrow I have my first beta BW and then again on Tuesday. the second set. I'm hoping to have some great news before our destination wedding that we have this weekend. I already told my DH even if the beta's come back great we are not telling anyone of our family on this vacation. With our last bfp we had some great numbers and we still m/c. I have been using progesterone supp since 3dpo and am hoping this is it for us.
Any little prayer would be great :)

My New Mantra...
June 9, 2010
Babymoon, Birthday Celebrations, 3 Year Anniversary and 1 year Brain-Aversary all in one trip!
Hawaii was great. It was a good getaway. I could have managed without the time zone change or the flight back from LA. It was miserable because I was so sleepy and so cramped. Dumb red eye flight But we had alot of fun. I wish I would have been prepared for the horrible trip to the top of the volcano. Poor Mr. OB had to tell me multiple times I was okay and we were fine. No one was dying. I got altitude sickness along with motion sickness from this windy road and crazy bus driver. It wasn't so great but the view was AWESOME. Once we stepped out of the bus I was 100% fine.
I loved the sno cones. So amazing. On the bottom there is a surprise waiting for you.. Ice Cream! Yum!
We saw some amazing fish and SEA TURTLES. Snorkeling was so much fun with Mr. OB. I enjoyed so much of it. I hope one day to take Ms. Pepper so she can see the fun fish for herself.
Some of the highlights:
Our Balcony and Pepper - 23 Weeks
Our Balcony and Mr OB's Beer Baby?
The day on the beach with beer strawberries and cheese!
Waiting for the sun to rise on a volcano 10,000 feet in the air! Talk about altitude sickness = NOT FUN!
Visiting the Brewery for Mr OB- Notice I'm a good girl and drinking water
Taking a scenic road trip!
Sailing to Lanai and snorkeling - Notice how sunburnt I am =*(
Road to Hana
Luau Time!
So sad to leave this:
Next up: Finishing up the nursery. We have registered already and need to just finished up the room. Hopefully by next week I will have some more progress in that department!
We need to finish painting, put up the decor, and my mom and I need to start on the bedding. Fun stuff!
Pepper is doing wonderful. No that's not her real name. She is measuring 1lb 9 oz and growing so fast! I can't believe I am almost 25 weeks already. Where did time go? Before I know it she will be here and I will finally know what she looks like!