June 22, 2010

Another CD1

AF sucks.

Every cycle I allow myself to be hopeful. You'd think by now I would know better!

This marks the end of 17 months TTC. I think it is pretty obvious we have a fertility problem. I have gone through a number of tests- bloodwork, ultrasounds, and an HSG and every single one has come back great. You probably see where I am going with this... I'm thinking it may be a sperm issue. We have had great timing every single cycle.

When I started spotting last night, a lot of thoughts started going through my mind. When we started TTC, I was pretty open to fertility treatments. I'm not sure how I feel about them now. Of course, I am getting ahead of myself here, since we don't have a diagnosis, yet.

I'm going to sit down with Mr. Sassy Bud this week and discuss our game plan if I don't get the job I am waiting on. I plan on bringing up adoption. We have discussed it before and we both were open to it at that point. If he is on board still, I will start doing some research on it and see if it seems right for us. Of course I would love a biological child, but I do not have an overwhelming desire to be pregnant. I would just like to be a mother.

~Sassy Bud


Taryn said... 1

My heart is crying for you. I know you will be a fantastic mom...whether it be to a biological child or an adopted child or both! :)

Sarcastic Bud said... 2

Hang in there, its a tough road, I know.

Believe me when I say that you will feel much better when you actually have a diagnosis and a plan of action.

Sending good vibes your way...

Planner Bud said... 3

I am so sorry to hear this. I hope you are able to come up with a plan that makes you both happy soon.

Worry Bud said... 4

I'm so sorry SB. I am praying that you guys come to an agreement on what will work best for you & your family. I know that you will be an amazing mom one day!


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