July 28, 2012

Oh BOY!!! 27 weeks!

Believe it or not... Sometimes, I still can't believe I am pregnant. I think anyone who's ever struggled with any sort of infertility can relate. Heck, if women who get KU easily are sometimes still shocked by the fact that they are actually expecting, can you imagine those of us who've dealt with IF? It's such an amazing feeling... One I hope ALL of our readers may be able to experience at some point. I count my blessings each day, and am ECSTATIC about meeting our Son in October :)

Nothing major has changed lately... As I prepare to wave goodbye to the 2nd trimester, I find myself feeling relatively good. My only main "complaints" (and I put that in quotes because, considering how lucky I am, I'm not actually complaining) are the pain in my tailbone and the heartburn/reflux. So, really, things are pretty good. I hope and pray that things continue to progress as nicely as they have.

Baby Shower plans are underway, and being the Party-planning person I am, I have my hand in it a bit... But I am yielding to the real planners, my Mom and her good friend who also helped immensely with my Wedding. The Theme is going to be amazing, and the location is ultra-FABULOUS! I truly can't wait :) We are scheduling the festivities for September 1st! Mr. DBud is also going to enjoy his own festivities by having a "Men Only Diaper Party". He's going to relax with his boys at the shooting range, followed by food and drinks at Hooter's. All in all, I am sure it'll be a great day for everyone involved and everyone participating.

My next appointment is on August 7th, and I am sure the Dr. and I will begin seeing more of each other afterwards, since I'll officially be in the 3rd trimester.

Aside from everything else that's been going on, Mr. DBud and I ordered our stroller today :) my two sets of grandparents contributed some cash so that we could take advantage of a GREAT deal (which is ending July 31st) buybuybaby has... Purchase the Britax B Ready stroller and get an infant carrier FREE ($229.99 value). We also used a Bed Bath & Beyond coupon saving us an ADDITIONAL $100! All in all, we got out entire travel system for $400 plus tax. I am one happy Mommy-to-Be. We ordered the B Ready stroller in Silver along with the Chaperone infant car seat in silver and black. Very fab :) I am in LOVE with buybuybaby.

But that's not the only baby gift off our registry we received ;) a good friend of mine, who recently signed with a major league baseball team, sent us our Chicco Polly Highchair in "Romantic". It was extremely sweetie him, and we are thrilled!!!

What an exciting time... And this is only the beginning! Can't wait to meet our son :)

Until next time ;)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

July 23, 2012

Back from a slight hiatus... 26w2d

Sorry for pulling a little "disappearing act" since my last post... but we had a family Wedding in Georgia, which we turned into a little, much needed, vacation. Here are my updates :)

How far along: 26 weeks 2 days (3 days as of Tuesday, but as of now it's late Monday night for me). On the verge of the 3rd trimester :) :) :)

Total weight change: Same as last time... will have an update after my next Dr. appointment on the 7th of August, since that's the only place I'm getting weighed. 

Maternity clothes: I don't own too much maternity clothes, but none of my "regular" clothes fit anymore, so you can pretty much say I'm in "maternity" clothes. Dresses, leggings, stretch pants, etc... Comfy :)

Stretch Marks: I'm turning into a Zebra "/

Movement: He is moving a lot lately! Mr. DBud FINALLY felt him move last Wednesday at the hotel in Orlando on the way home. His face was priceless :) Today, he moved a lot as well. He's getting stronger, and his movements are becoming much more obvious. 

Sleep: Thankfully, I'm still on Summer break, so I am getting sleep... I hope to be able to stay rested when I go back to work in a few weeks... we'll see how that goes.

Best Moment This Past Week: I've had a few good moments lately... we had a great vacation, which was very well deserved, but when we got back, it's been all "baby". We started working on the nursery (more seriously) and got things much more organized. We finally decided on the furniture (Bonavita Metro collection  crib, dresser/changer and nightstand), and finished working on our registry (for the most part). But best of all was Mr. DBud feeling our son move :) That was totally amazing. I honestly almost cried. 

Most Difficult Moment This Past Week: The week before my trip, on the 10th, I needed to go into my Dr.'s office to have my glucose tolerance test. People talked to me about the glucola you have to drink, and mentioned different things, but I was ok with all of it. The morning came, and I headed over to take care of business. The nurse gave me the orange glucola which I chugged like a champ, and sent me into the waiting room for the dreaded 1 hour wait. Well, within minutes of sitting out there, I started feeling weird. Then, weird turned to outright bad, and I swear... I almost passed out right then and there! It was the WORST feeling ever. I got so worried, and texted my Husband. I honestly thought I was going to black out. Thankfully, before I went in for the blood draw, I felt fine... but then, she couldn't find my vein (first time EVER!). She finally did the draw, and then told me that if I failed, I would get a call by Friday or the following Monday. NO CALL! Woohoo!!!! I'm so happy, because I totally thought that due to my reaction, I had miserably failed. Thank GOD everything is going well :)

Belly Button In or Out: Still in, but definitely not as deep as before. So strange! I wonder how much longer it'll stay this way ;)

Cravings/Aversions: I craved candy the other day... which is weird, cause I never do. Other than that, nothing really... still loving those McDonald's cheeseburgers, though. 

Symptoms: MAJOR heartburn. Holy cow!!!!! Slight swelling in hands (can't wear engagement ring anymore, only wedding band) and swelling of the feet which comes and goes depending on what type of day I had and whether or not I've had a chance to raise my feet or not. 

Baby Shower plans are currently underway, so that is also keeping us quite busy... it's amazing how time starts to fly by after week 20! I can't wait to meet our little man in October!!!!! 

Also, one of my best friends just announced her pregnancy this past week :) I couldn't be happier for both of them!! This makes the journey that much more exciting... and more so now that I just found out ANOTHER friend is pregnant :) BABIES EVERYWHERE!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!

Until next time :)

July 18, 2012

36 weeks

How far along: 36 weeks today!!!  This week Parker is the size of a honeydew melon and is in  17.2- to 18.7-inch and 4.2- to 5.8-pound range and continues to beef up.  He is getting closer and closer to being able to breathe on his own.  His skin is getting smooth and soft and his gums are rigid.  The liver and kidneys are in working order and the circulation and immune systems are basically good to go!  

Total weight change: I gained 5 pounds since the last OV, but the swelling in my lower legs/ankles/feet are getting pretty bad sometimes.  I didn't get fussed at though by my OB!

Maternity clothes: My maternity scrub tops have gotten a bit too short and my belly shows if I lift one of my arms to grab a blood pressure cuff or something.  It's kind of funny and luckily I haven't had any patients comment.

Stretch Marks: Still none new but I'm keeping my skin moisturized with lotions and stuff.

Movement: Parker is still moving up a storm...more shifting and rolling than actual kicks.  Sometimes I swear the kid is trying to stretch his way out because I see a butt and feel his feet or something pushing on my pelvis!  

Sleep: Definitely needing a lot more here lately.  During the 2nd trimester I felt great after only 6-7 hours of sleep and woke up fairly early on the weekends with rare naps.  Now I could take a nap several times a day and sleep in every morning!  I love sleep and I figure I need to start banking some hours!

Best Moment This Past Week:  I have 2 as well: I had my 36week appointment yesterday and found out that I'm dilated to a 1, my uterus is tilted back like it should be, Parker is head down and getting engaged!  I was quite surprised, but I guess all that walking I'm doing at work trying to keep up with my provider has helped.  My baby showers are this week: my mom and girls at work are doing a combo tomorrow and my mother-in-law is throwing one this upcoming Sunday.  Hopefully I'll get lots of stuff that we need!

Oh yeah, I bought my breast pump yesterday and we bought the paint for the nursery on Monday - painting this weekend!

Most Difficult Moment This Past Week: Umm, I think dealing with the extra fatigue has been the hardest thing for me this week.  I don't feel like getting out of bed, getting up from desk to go get my patients or staying until 6pm finishing everything up.  All I want is to wear my stretchy pants and chill on the couch!

Belly Button In or Out: Officially an outty!  It's funny and I play with it sometimes!  Hahaha.

Cravings/Aversions: Craving ANYTHING sweet and totally not feeling meat, especially chicken.

Symptoms: Having dizziness again this week.  Still having the swelling, fatigue, tender nipples/breasts, Braxton Hicks, and heartburn.

July 13, 2012

He is NOT my husband!

Read on to understand the title of my post! :)

How far along: 15 weeks!

Total weight change: +4 pounds since my appointment a month ago.

Maternity clothes: Still just wearing those one pair of maternity shorts.  Everything else still fits. 

Stretch Marks: I haven't noticed any.

Movement: I think I might be feeling something.  I was driving home from a friend's house today, and I felt that same feeling I've been feeling for the past week.  I told myself that it felt like bubbles (I honestly keep telling myself that it's just gas).  I got home, read my email from Baby Center that talks about Week 15, and it mentioned that some women describe early movement as bubbles!  I couldn't believe my eyes. 

Sleep: I sleep great.  And A LOT!

Best Moment This Past Week: I have two!  First-  wearing my maternity shorts and having my dad notice that I have a slight bump (and I thought it was just my wishful thinking that I had one).  Second- listening to our baby's heartbeat at my appointment on Tuesday.  It's music to my ears!

Most Difficult Moment This Past Week: Still feeling nauseous.  My OB offered to write me a prescription for it, but I think I'm going to hold out until the next appointment.  If it hasn't eased up, I'll let her know.

Belly Button In or Out: In

Cravings/Aversions: Chocolate!  But then again-  I've always been a chocoholic. :)

Symptoms:Nausea, sensitive breasts, and exhaustion.

We find out the sex on August 15th!!!

Now to tell you the meaning behind my title!  My dad went with me to my doctor's appointment on Tuesday.  We had planned to go to lunch afterward.  The nurse called me back, and I went in alone.  She weighed me and then asked if the man in the waiting room with me was my husband and did he want to come back with me!  I just laughed (this wasn't the first time someone has thought my dad was my husband). :)

Bossy Bud

July 12, 2012

35 weeks 1 day

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted...we've been trying to get baby ready!  =o)

How far along: 35 weeks 1 day.  Yesterday was 35 weeks with 35 days left!  It's so hard to believe how quickly the time is passing.  So much to do yet...

Total weight change: I haven't weighed since my last appointment but am trying to not get myself in trouble with the doctor on Tuesday for my next appointment Tuesday.  BTW - this next appointment Doc will be checking my cervix and testing me for group B strep.

Maternity clothes: No change...although I will inform you ladies that my maternity tops have become a little too short!  My belly tries to peek out the bottom!  Hahahaha...

Stretch Marks: Still no new ones.

Movement: He's still going crazy in there!  I have noticed him moving more around 3-3:30 in the morning, so I'm seeing that being an interesting time for us in the near future!

Sleep: Surprisingly, I'm actually getting some decent sleep some nights even though I don't feel like I ever get enough.

Best Moment This Past Week: We FINALLY started on the nursery this week!  I remember sitting on the floor (since I'm not much help these days) thinking how it doesn't feel so surreal anymore and I'm so excited to start decorating the nursery!

Most Difficult Moment This Past Week: Momma's had a pretty good week! ~> Although I will say I officially cannot wear my wedding rings anymore.  =o(  The swelling is getting pretty bad and my hands, feet, ankles, and (just recently) calves are getting tight.

Belly Button In or Out: Still an inny, though the top is trying to pucker a little bit.

Cravings/Aversions: Definitely craving the sweets lately.  And totally NOT feeling meat!  I like the occasional burger and have had fried chicken once.  Other than that...BLAH to the meat.

Symptoms: Swelling is still number one, but the fatigue has definitely set back in, nipple soreness again, BAD heartburn and reflux, cramping/Braxton Hicks, hot flashes that never go away.

Acupuncture & Herbs

I have been going once a week to my acupuncture appointment and things seem to be going well. My cycle isn't any better but they say it can take several months so we will see. I talked with my acupuncturist about using an herbal replacement for Metformin and he told me about a mix of herbs called Menotrol. It is made specifically for women with PCOS, amenorrhea, irregular cycles and infertility. Where Metformin is just to treat the insulin resistance. So I talked to my RE and he didn't have a problem with me trying it out. So I am awaiting the arrival of Menetrol and then an herbal supplement called Blossom (Phase 1-4) that I will take each phase according to my cycle. Maybe we wills start seeing a bigger improvement with acupuncture with the addition of herbs.

July 5, 2012

23w5d and going strong!

It honestly seems as though I get busier when I am on vacation... Things have been hectic! When it's not one thing, it's another. I am actually sitting in a rehearsal now! Crazy... But, anyway, I have some updates! :) Here we go:

How far along: 23w5d!!

Total weight change: +18 total, based on Doctor's office scale. My thoughts? YIKES!!! Dr. C, however, is very happy with my progress. I'll go with that. ;)

Maternity clothes: The only thing "maternity" I have purchased has been a belly band, which I haven't used in a while, along with some fold over maternity yoga pants that I love. Still, I feel most comfortable in leggings, stretchy pants and dresses.

Stretch Marks: Yes, unfortunately :( I feel as if I am going to be a zebra by the time this is over... But, I guess us Mommies have to earn our stripes somehow ;) I'll get over it...

Movement: This has definitely become a pretty regular thing, and I am loving it. He's a pretty active little guy :) Daddy hasn't felt him yet, but he is being felt from the outside more and more these days.

Sleep: It has it's moments... I have to get up and use the restroom between two to three times a night, but I am getting a lot of sleep thanks to being on vacation, so that's definitely a plus :)

Best Moment This Past Week: The increased movement is definitely awesome. We also had another ultrasound for specific anatomy things which was nice. Also, my Dr. is very happy with how things are going and told me to continue doing whatever I am, do that made me happy :)

Most Difficult Moment This Past Week: Family issues with a great-uncle who is not doing well, and my mom stressing me out about gaining weight since I started out so "big" as she says. I know she is just concerned, but stressing me out when things are going well doesn't help.

Belly Button In or Out: In. Not as deep as before, but in. :)

Cravings/Aversions: McDonald's Cheeseburgers (I know... Bad) and for some reason I really wanted fettuccine from Olive Garden. Other than that, nothing major.

Symptoms: A little back pain, and pain in my tailbone, along with some wicked heartburn EVERY night. That's about it, I think... Oh, did I mention some memory loss? LoL!!

Here is a picture of our little man, sucking his thumb, from our last US

Until next time :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

July 4, 2012

Maya's Birth Story

Hello Everybody!
It has been exactly one month since Maya was born! I can't believe how fast this month has gone by! Sorry it took me so song to post this, but here is the story!

On Saturday we went to a water park with our birthmothers. I had slightly crampy contractions all day, but I have had regular Braxton Hicks contractions since I was 20 weeks pregnant, so I didn't think much of it. My contractions were about 10 minutes apart which was normal. At 9 pm I decided to start keeping track since they seemed to be getting closer and stronger. Over the next few hours I kept track and they went from 9 minutes, to 8....7....6...5. I wanted Mr. Lucky to get some rest and he was already in bed, so I let him sleep as long as possible. At midnight I finally went to bed, but didn't sleep long. At 12:30 the contractions were too painful to sleep through, so I woke up Mr. Lucky. By 1 am they were so painful, Mr. L.  called the midwife to give her a heads up. We went upstairs and set up the birthing pool, and got the bed ready, and any bulky things out of the way, and all the supplies out. The midwife said to prepare for a long night and a long day. I have to say that I didn't really believe her. Out of the people that I know, almost all of them have had pretty short labors. My sister only labored for about 5 hours with both or her children, and one of our birth mothers only labored 3 hours, so I pretty much thought that I would have a baby my morning.

I labored through the night with just Mr. L. It was really hard. I had a hard time coping with each contraction and was pretty paniky with each one. By 7 am the midwife came to check me and I was only dialated to a 3. Normally she would go home and come back later, but saw what a hard time I was having and said that what ever I needed was fine. I needed her so bad, so I am so grateful that she stayed. I was in labor all day and by 6 was still at 3 to 4cm. Throughout the day I got more in control and had a easier time with my contractions, even though they were more painful. I also had figured out what possitions were best and Mr. Lucky Bud and I were more in a grove.

 I was sooooo exhausted at that point though and could hardly keep my eyes open. By 6 my contractions were so painful and I was so tired, that I begged and bleeded to go to the hospital. My midwife reminded me that it was 45 minutes away and would be a terrible trip in the car, that I would have to check in at the hospital, and then they would want me on an IV for an hour, and I remembered how after Baby Lucky Buds Birth Mom decided she wanted an epidural, it still took the Dr 2 hours to get to her, and then 1 hour for him to do it. As I thought of all these things, I realized that going to the hospital would not bring me the instant pain relief that I wanted and I decided to stay home. My midwife said that I was just feeling this way because I was so exhausted, and that I just really needed some good rest. She gave me some benydril and Mr Lucky and I layed down on the bed for a nap. Laying down, my contractions actually slowed down to about 8 minutes apart and we were able to sleep in between. After an hour I was feeling so much better.

My midwife had to go home to take a break in order to be ready for the birth, and also to be rested for other births that were coming up that week. We decided to see if a doula was available, and we are so lucky that someone was. Amy was AMAZING and got me through some of the most difficult parts of my labor. After my nap the contractions stayed far apart, but were much stronger and went on forever. I continuted to sleep inbetween contactions, but eventually had to get up and walk around to get things progressing. Eventually my water broke and I came upstairs and got in the birthing pool. Amy called the widwives. I started having the need to push with my contractions, but was very nervous to push at all because I was afraid that I was not completely dialated and I was afraid of swelling. It felt like my midwives took a million years to get there although it was only 20 minutes or so. My contractions were 10 mintues apart still, so they had plenty of time to set up before I was ready to really start pushing. Once I started pushing, it only took 4 contractions for her to be born. When I was pushing, inbetween contractions, I kept saying how happy I was that I had not given up and gone to the hospital.

When Maya was born I was so happy. She was finally here, I couldn't believe it!  She was placed on my stomach, but the cord was short and they were worried about her being so close to the water, so they had me get out of the pool onto the bed. There was a lot of blood, so the midwives were trying to determine if it was from the birth, from my tear or from hemorrhaging. Eventually they were able to determine that I was hemorrhaging. After the placenta was out they massaged my uterus, but it was still pleading. I had a couple injections and some pills, but it wasn't working fast enough. They tried grabbing my uterus from the outside, and eventually had to grab it internally. It hurt really bad, but the bleeding started to slow down, and after more massaging from the outside they got it under control. At the same time, Maya was not breathing great, so it took a couple people and a little time to take care of her. The midwives were very in control of the whole situation and came prepared with everything they needed to take care of us. The had oxygen, pitocin injections and everything went smoothly.

It took until 4 am until they were done monitoring us and cleaning up and we were finally able to go to sleep! My wonderful midwives tucked us in and we went to sleep with our new baby!
Having Maya at home was a great experience, and I would do it again for sure. I love my little girl and feel so blessed.

I hope that those of you who are still waiting for your little ones will have them soon.
It has been fun sharing our fertility story with you.

Okay,  Lucky Bud signing out! Prayers and hugs to you all!


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