October 18, 2010

Time to toss the cup!

After my loss in May, I bought a 50-pack of HPTs for $10 from Amazon. I used more than half while waiting for my HCG to go to 0 (which required another D&C, unfortunately), and I've been using the remainder for this cycle.

Tonight I'm officially out of pee sticks. And I'm pretty sure I'm officially pregnant! Here's my final pee-stick gallery, complete with tonight's test. Besides realizing I'm insane, I also discovered that I get far better results in the late afternoon than with FMU. The morning tests just stressed me out. Boo. 

I go in for my blood test tomorrow morning, which I'll repeat in 2 days to make sure my HCG is doubling. Assuming all goes well, I'll have my first ultrasound at 7 weeks.

I'm going to try not to get ahead of myself, just in case (a prior loss will do that, I'm afraid). I'll let you know my HCG numbers later this week.

Golden Bud


Sunflower Bud said... 1

They look great! Congrats!

Planner Bud said... 2

Yea, congrats!

Cherry Bud said... 3


Flora Bud said... 4

Congrats!! and wishing you the very best and some doubling numbers!

June Bud said... 5

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! So exciting and I am praying for a sticky baby!!!

Magnolia Bud said... 6

YEAH!!! So excited and happy for you! I hope this is your sticky baby!

D. said... 7

CONGRATULATIONS Golden Bud!!! I'm not a "Bud" here. But, I am an IVF patient and just had an FET with a BFP, so I'm just a week ahead of you :) You're story has inspired me so much. I am THRILLED for you!!! Woooohoooo!

Sarcastic Bud said... 8

Wooo hooo congrats!


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