August 8, 2010

Back from Dr. B's Hall of Justice...

Meanwhile Dr. B and Blessed Bud mapped out a final plan of where they were going to go with treatments and when it would be time if necessary, to seek other options...

My meeting with Dr. B last Thursday went extremely well. He believes I have a Progesterone issue most likely related to my PCOS. He thinks it may only be a slight egg issue (random abnormal eggs, which I am more prone to because of my PCOS) and that our embabies would not have made it to 5/6 Day Blastocysts if there was a severe egg issue. When we went over my medical history he does seem to have a point about the Progesterone issue:

Miscarriage #1 May 2006 (Not TTC/Natural PG) Low Progesterone; no supplements

Miscarriage #2(c/p) August 2009 (Injectables and Timed Intercourse; Low Progestrone (level 10), no supplements

Miscarriage(c/p) #3 December 2009 (Injetables and IUI); Low Progestrone (level 10), vaginal progesterone suppositories

Miscarriage #4 June 2009 (FET #1); Low Progestrone, Crinone

So, for FET #2 I will be on PIO instead of Crinone or Suppositories. I am not nervous about the PIO because I did the Delestrogen (also an oil) shots by myself for FET#1 with a 22 gauge needle. Because we just moved to a new house and are still getting settled; and are going on vacation around the end of August, we decided to push FET #2 back to September. We agreed that we would do IVF #2 if FET #2 is a BFN. For IVF #2 we would freeze all embryos and then I would do an FET because Dr. B and I realized my body does not do well with a combination of a transfer and being pumped full of medication. I have a second opinion with SIRM NYC on August 31 just to have a fresh set of eyes look at my case and see what IVF protocol would be best if IVF #2 is a go.

So Blessed Bud put on her wings and left Dr. B's Hall of Justice with a positive attitude and stronger faith in God. Knowing that somehow, someway at his appointed time she and Mr. Blessed Bud will be bringing home their baby. Stay Tuned...


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