May 4, 2012

35 weeks

Only 33 days to go! Every week when I write a post I just can't believe how fast the weeks are flying by.

My much anticipated home visit from my midwives is next Friday. There are a bunch of things that I am supposed to have together before the visit, and I have most of it done, which is a relief.

I am looking forward to my baby shower which is next Saturday. I have never really had a baby shower before, so I am excited to be able to do some of the things that you normally get to do when you have a baby, like have a baby shower, and breastfeed. I am also excited about another visit with our donors which will probably happen in two weeks.

 I am still trying so hard to wrap up my many projects, but at this point am excited for the baby to come and not really worried if I get everything done or not. My goal is to have everything done by my baby shower and then I will have a few weeks to take it easy and play with the kids.

Our baby is around 18 1/2 inches long and 5 1/4 lbs at this point. Most of her development is done, and now she is just working on putting on weight. Her position  is still posterior, so I am hoping still that she will turn soon. There is a website called that my midwife recommended that I check out.

Things are going really well overall (I still throw up every few days). I am enjoying being pregnant and feeling my baby moving inside me. I am very excited to meet her. It is just around the corner!


Diva Bud said... 1

Woohoo!!! Coming down the home stretch ;) can't wait!


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