I know I am always amazed at how far along I am, but really?! 35 days?! I am having a baby next month.
A year ago at this time we had just gotten our MFI diagnosis and I felt hopeless. I didn't want to go through IVF and was ready to just forget TTC for a while. Now, we are having a daughter- next month.
The past few weeks have been pretty rough on me emotionally. I am still in school until August 1st, and I was taking 3 classes. It just ended up being too much so I dropped one of them. I am still battling to avoid a "failing" withdrawl on my transcript since the reason I couldn't finish it was because I am pregnant, not because I am lazy or just didn't feel like doing it. I think I will be successful in getting it removed.
In the past few weeks I have been gearing up to welcome baby Brynn. I washed all her newborn clothes and finished organizing her room. I still need to put up her closet organizer, put together the swing, and prep her newborn cloth diapers.
I'm still feeling pretty good besides random bouts with swelling. I have a birthing class next weekend, so hopefully I feel a little more prepared for this labor thing, because right now I am pretty nervous!

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