April 19, 2011

11 Week Update

We had an appointment today because my BP has been low lately. Luckily everything is okay, just some low iron which I can take a supplement for.

Awesome appointment because we got to hear baby's heartbeat! Amazing!

My nausea has been pretty nonexistent, yay! Cravings are really random but intense when I am hungry. I have gained 3 pounds and it is ALL belly, see baby Buttercup Bud and I below at 9 weeks 5 days:

I've been wearing maternity pants the past week! They are so comfy, I love them and live in them as well as sweats and PJ's.

Next week is our NT scan and I am super excited to see baby look like a baby! My grandma and I think baby is a girl but since Mr BB and I are Team Green we won't know until he/she is born.

I will update with pictures of my sweet baby next week after our appointment.


Buttercup Bud



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