Call me crazy, but I think it looks more like a baby - I can see the head & the shadows were the eyes are/will be! The u/s tech also showed us a view from the back of the baby (no pic) & you could see his teeny, little arms & legs sticking out from the sides of his body. OMG, it was so cute & so amazing. Also, we immediately saw his big heart beating nice & strong - 157 bpm! The Dr. & u/s tech said s/he is measuring exactly where he needs to be right now & I got officially released from my RE. It's bittersweet b/c I know that I am only able to move on to my OB b/c Baby WB is doing so good, but also a little sad b/c I know I won't get the same level of care at my OB's office. It's just impossible at a normal OB's office. I like my OB/GYN & all, but it's just not the same. I felt really close to my RE & my nurse & everyone in the office knew's just different. They told me to keep in touch & asked us to send along the baby's birth announcement when s/he is born. They also gave me a form to send in with information about the baby & my delivery to keep their information accurate/up to date. As far as meds - I started a reduced dose of the Estradiol on Saturday (1 pill per day) & continue that thru April 10th @ 10 weeks; then the Endometrin inserts also continue twice a day until April 1oth.
I have my first normal OB appointment tomorrow morning, but I was told it's just an intake appointment with a nurse. She is going to go over Dos & Don'ts of pregnancy, ask questions about my/Mr. Worry Bud's family history, I can ask any questions I have, etc. Then at my next appointment, I'll see the Nurse Practitioner, who will do my annual Pap (it was due in May anyways), listen for the heart beat with the Doppler, etc. I can't wait to hear the h/b - we have only seen it, which I'm sure is just as sweet, but hearing it is also amazing I bet. After that appointment, I'll actually start seeing the OB's during my monthly appointments. There are 3 in my Dr's office & you have to see each of them throughout your pregnancy just in case one who isn't your primary is on call the day you go into labor/are induced.
Today, I am 8w3d & am still nervous & think I'll remain that way until we get out of the 1st tri. I know stuff can happen after that time & I know that the chance of miscarriage after seeing the h/b drops to between 2-5%, but IDK...the 1st tri is just so filled with nervousness & worry, especially for a Worry Bud like me! I can't wait for everything to come - hearing the h/b for the first time, finding out the sex, getting a bump, designing a nursery, shopping for the baby's stuff, registering for/having a baby shower, and of course - finally getting to meet our precious LO. I still continue to pray everyday that our baby continues to do well & grow big & strong, so that we can meet him/her in November! An by the grace of God - so far , so good & we couldn't be more thrilled!! We even told a few more family members & close friends/co-workers! We are waiting to really tell everyone until after the 1st tri is over, which will be later NEXT MONTH!! Can you believe quickly time has flown?! I hope it keeps flying fast so that we get to meet Baby WB ASAP! Thanks as always for all the continued T&P! I will update again later this week or early next about tomorrow's visit.
Congrats WB. It must have been great to see the baby on the US and hear the heart beat. I can't really tell anything from the pic you posted but I see the form that is your baby.
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