Backing up a bit...this morning I went in for my fourth monitoring appt. & u/s this AM. During the scan, Dr. G said, "everything looks great & you may be triggering tonight for a retrieval on Saturday." I was like, "really"?! And he said he'd have to confirm by looking at my b/w, but to go ahead & sit down with a nurse to get trigger instructions & make an appt. for tomorrow morning just in case I needed to come in tomorrow. Well, I got my instructions & made my appt. & the front desk lady said, "okay, see you tomorrow." And I said, "actually, hopefully you won't see me tomorrow :o)" & she laughed. The rest of the afternoon, I have been waiting on a call from my nurse letting me know if I am ready to trigger...she called about an hour ago & said, "I have good news, you don't have to come in tomorrow for any more monitoring b/c you're triggering tonight!" I was so excited, I forgot to ask my Estrogen/E2 levels, but here are my follie measurements from today's scan (my office only measures the largest 4 on each side):
Left: 18.5, 16.6, 16.1, 13.9 & several smaller ones
Right: 17.9, 17.1, 15.6, 15.3 & several smaller ones
I am still waiting on a call from my center's surgery scheduler for the exact time to trigger, but it's definitely tonight with my ER on Saturday. I have really been so fortunate this whole process --> the whole week of all my daily monitoring - out of work; ER on a Saturday with plenty of days to recover because Monday is a federal holiday! I think the Lord has truly been overseeing this whole process & I'm so excited about the fact that in a couple of weeks, we could get the best news of our young, married lives!! Please continue praying for us & sending any positive vibes you have our way - I know they make a big difference!
Best of luck this evening WB!!!
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