January 11, 2010

Hormones? What Hormones?

That has become a favorite saying of Mr. Hopeful Bud. He thinks he is so funny. The fact is, some days I just need a good cry just because. Other days I suddenly become very pissy, for no good reason, again just because. Most days I am happy, excited and loving life. But on those few moments, Mr. HB's only appropriate response is "hormones? what hormones?" When he says that, it usually makes me laugh and realize I'm just being emotionally charged by hormones. Gotta love 'em! My sister says they don't go away after you have the baby either. This tidbit of information makes Mr. HB squirm a little.

Well we have happily made it to 19 weeks! I can't believe we are almost half way through this adventure. We haven't even started working on the nursery. That is going to take a lot of work. Home projects have a history in our home of not moving very quickly, so I need to start creating some sort of game plan to get everything in order.

So if this week is 19 weeks, that can only mean that next week is 20 weeks and we all know what happens around 20 weeks. Our BIG ULTRASOUND!!! It's our first and only U/S so I am really looking forward to it. We are very anxious to find out if Baby Hopeful Bud is a boy or a girl, but I am even more excited about just seeing him or her for the first time. I'm always so jealous of the ladies that get to see their babies early on. I know our baby is in there because I have started feeling little "flutters", but I can't wait to see his or her head, 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 eyes, 2 ears, a beating heart, 10 fingers, and 10 toes. I just want to see my baby so badly!!! 9 days from today we will see our little one!! Yeah I can't wait!!!

At 19 weeks, Baby HB is the size of a mango (6 inches and 8.5 ounces). I'm not one of the most sentimental people around, but when we first found out we were pregnant, I found an apple seed and placed it on my desk. I still look at that apple seed every day and am constantly in complete amazement at how there was something so small as an apple seed in my stomach a few short week ago and now there is a mango.

That's about it. I still feel great. I believe maternity clothes shopping will be in the plan for this weekend as my pants are growing increasingly uncomfortable. Which is weird since according to my last doc appt. I hadn't gained any weight. Who know?!! I can't wait to post you on our u/s next week. Please say a little prayer for our baby HB, that he or she cooperates and shows us the goods!!!

Take care and stay hopeful!



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