I apologize for being a bit absent lately - basically, I don't have too much going on. Right now I'm just waiting to O & I am still charting, although not as good as I have been doing the past few cycles. I actually went on FF yesterday & noticed that I forgot to input last Thursday & Friday's temps! And the thing is that I definitely temped, I just never put them in FF & then I wrote over the temps I put in my cell notepad without entering them - OOPS! I have been REALLY busy with house stuff (we are re-doing our entire Master Bath :oD) and the biggest news is we just bought me a new SUV this weekend, woo hoo! It is our "family car" for the future little ones - a 2008 Toyota Highlander with all the extras I have wanted since FOREVER! And we got a great deal on it because my uncle's friend is the manager of the Toyota dealership we went to. It a pearly white & is getting detailed & whatnot, but should be ready for pickup at the end of this week; this photo is the same model/year Highlander:
All of this stuff going on is helping me quickly pass the time this cycle, which is always a good thing. Also, I am just a little over a week away from my RE appointment on November 3rd! I truly hope & pray that he will be receptive of my concerns & help me figure out how to correct my LP issues. In the mean time, I am staying busy & being optimistic about our chances of getting pregnant soon!
Fingers crossed for you RE appt on the 3rd. I can't wait to hear all about it!
Good choice on the new ride! I'll never buy anything but a Toyota, they are awesome!
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