November 8, 2012

Second Ultrasound

So I got back from Thailand yesterday evening and scheduled my ultrasound for 9 am the next morning, can you say I was a bit anxious?! Everything looked great the baby is measuring at 10 wks 6 days and I am 10 wks 4 days so that is good. The heart beat is 158 bpm and was moving all around!! The Dr. was nice in spending a lot of time showing us all the arms, legs, feet, different angles and chatting about the baby. Mr. Explorer Bud and I were thrilled of course. I was really nervous that there wouldn't be a heartbeat just because there is a chance that happens and I really haven't had very much in the way of symptoms. Now I can just relax, enjoy being pregnant and start planning for this baby. I need to decide if I will go with a midwife and if so who and where I plan on having the baby. Oh and I can start to think about where to put the baby's room and all that fun stuff!! I am soo happy that things are going well and I get to go off Progesterone in a week. I drop my dosage down to .5 cc's and then we will retest to make sure I am still high enough. Here is the ultrasound pictures


Diva Bud said... 1

So exciting!!! Before you know it, you'll be holding your LO in your arms :) cherish every moment.

Diva Bud said... 2

Btw - I predict girl ;)

Explorer Bud said... 3

I am making a goal to not stress about the pregnancy past this point and just enjoy every moment of being pregnant!! Even the bad!! A girl would be fun!!

Bossy Bud said... 4

Awesome!! Love the pics. Keep on sharing, Explorer. SO very excited for you. :)


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