November 21, 2012

Officially Off Progesterone Shots

Monday I went in to test my progesterone levels at the Dr.'s office and they came back at 45.6 which is great. That was after 4 days of not taking any shots and 1/2 cc for a week prior to that. I was soo happy to be officially done and now I am officially released from the IVF Dr. and can focus on finding a midwife. I interviewed one midwife and I really liked her personality, philosophies and her emergency plan with back up doctors. I have three more to interview and then I will decide. I have been feeling less nauseous lately but today I threw up twice soo I am hoping soon we will be done with morning sickness!! 12 Weeks this week oh yeah!!


Bossy Bud said... 1

12 weeks already? Didn't you JUST tell us the great news? :)
Glad to hear that you're finished with the progesterone shots. I know my backside was very grateful when I stopped having to take them.
Enjoy this time, Explorer. It's going to fly by.


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