So many people ask for Miracles every day... A Miracle to get them out of debt, save their home, save their children, family members, pets etc. I think it's pretty obvious that there are many women hoping for a Miracle to happen in order for them to get pregnant... and there is a place for these women to go... The Our Lady of La Leche Shrine in St. Augustine, Fl. Maybe someone has blogged about this before, or maybe not... but either way, I thought I'd share. Now, I don't know how many of you are believers, or religious or whatnot... but regardless, I happen to know, from past experiences, that the Power of Prayer can be pretty, well... Powerful. No matter who you pray to. If you don't believe in any of this, of course that's fine, I don't mean to force my ideals on anyone. We all have our beliefs and our own practices... but this place is amazing. I have been there before, but I haven't actually gone into the chapel to pray... as I mentioned before, we have just begun our TTC journey. This little Chapel is nestled in this beautiful, peaceful, park, and offers refuge and hope to thousands of women who travel from all over in hopes of one thing... a Miracle. The prayer is as follows,
"Lovely Lady of La Leche, most loving mother of the Child Jesus, and my mother, listen to my humble prayer. Your motherly heart knows my every wish, my every need. To you only, His spotless Virgin Mother, has your Divine Son given to understand the sentiments which fill my soul. Yours was the sacred privilege of being the Mother of the Savior. Intercede with him now, my loving Mother, that, in accordance with His will, I may become the mother of other children of our heavenly Father. This I ask, O Lady of La Leche, in the Name of your Divine Son, My Lord and Redeemer. Amen."
I am only at the beginning of my TTC journey... still learning the ropes of this charting thing, and not even close to feeling the desperation of trying month after month without the desired result... but I can really feel for those women who do. Not everyone is lucky enough to have their "wish" granted on the first try... and when all those Doctors visits and BFNs keep giving you an answer you don't want to hear... sometimes, you just need to have a little "faith"... in whatever you believe in.

Hi Diva!
I'm not catholic, but sent up a serious prayer to the Lady of La Leche today! Message me if you have any questions about charting I can help with--I'm not a pro, but have been at it since May. Looking forward to reading more of your story!
-Magnolia Bud
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