- Volume: 1.5ml (low/normal: 2.0+)
- Color: Normal
- Viscosity: Slightly Viscous
- Liquefaction: Complete
- pH: 7.2 (Normal)
- Concentration: 36 Million (normal/normal: 20m+)
- Motility: 41% (low/normal:50%+)
- Total Progressive Motile: 0 (no fwd movement)
- Morphology: less than 1% (low/normal: greater than 3%)
The rest of the appointment went really well. The doctor was very knowledgeable and made us feel very comfortable. He did a physical exam and found no issues with vericoceles.
They also ran some blood work to check Mr. Sassy Bud's FSH and Testosterone. He gave us a referral for another S/A. If the results come back the same they will be doing an ultrasound to check for any other issues. The doctor told us that we could try some supplements, such as FertilAid, while we are waiting for the test and ultrasound results. We should be able to do the repeat S/A in the next few weeks.
In non-MFI news, I received a call about the job that I have been waiting on. I go in for a meeting with them on Wednesday. It is more of a meet and greet style meeting than an interview. She basically just wants to see how qualified each applicant is to move on to the next step in the interview process. This is the job that would put a hold on our TTC plans for a year or so, so hopefully she can give me some idea of the time frame I am looking at if I were to get hired.
I have put my charting membership on hold for now, since there isn't really any chance of us getting pregnant without medical intervention at this point. The good part of having answers is that CD1 was not difficult for me this time. I knew it was coming and didn't expect anything different.
Hopefully my next update will have some answers and good news!

Good luck with the meet and greet! I hope you get good news on both!
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