I am starting to feel definite movement now and boy she has been active the last few days, the most active times have been while I am at work and right when I want to go to sleep. I just can't believe that in a few short days I will be halfway through my pregnancy and that much closer to meeting my daughter!
The next few weeks are going to fly by with Holiday things happening. Next weekend is my mother and I's yearly baking weekend for Christmas. I am hoping that in a few years my daughter will join us and enjoy it as much as I have through the years , my mom and I have baked together for the holidays for about 30 years, of course I do more now than I did way back when. I am making this post a short one.
Hopefully I will have some more to report soon. Until then I leave you with my 19 week Bump pic and little Daffodil Bud's 1st picture :)

AW look at that cute profile! I love it! Congrats on Team Pink!!!
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