AND everything looked great !
We got to see the sac and the yolk sac. RE say I'm measuring 5 weeks and 3 days. Right on target.

We will go back in 2 weeks 12/3 to hopefully see a hb and our little "bagel" (as my DH has so lovingly named him/her).
I'd also like to add to this how much I absolutely LOVE my RE. She is truly amazing. When she first walked in to the u/s room she said "and look at where we are today!" then she proceeded to tell me we wouldn't see a hb because she didn't want me to freak out and asked me how I've been doing. I asked her about the pains from yesterday she said it was all normal and that I'd probably continue experiencing all kinds of fun stuff. DH pointed out that I have been very irritable (thanks DH! lol) and the Dr. told him he was gonna be dealing with that for a while so he should just suck it up!
She did the u/s we went over my PNV's and continuing progesterone and told me to go back in 2 weeks. Before she left she gave me the biggest hug. A REAL hug, like the kind your mom would give. Again, love her!
The nurse, Judy, is fabulous too. I'm so truly lucky!
For now, I feel like I can breathe a little easier for the time being. I know come the week of the next u/s I'll probably be a nervous wreck but for now I'm content that the bagel is growing in the right place :)
Oh Love Bud this is amazing news!!! That is awesome that your 'bagel' (lol.. gotta love our DH's) is growing right on schedule.
Congratulations!!! So happy to hear the great news!
Congrats on wonderful news LB!!
Congrats on the great news!!!
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