October 2, 2009

Books on my Nightstand

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Onto book #3 on the nightstand. Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy was something that I definitely wanted to read. I needed the truth and nothing but the truth, but with a sense of humor. This is a really quick read, about 2-4 hours for me (I'm a slow reader). I would encourage you to read it to your husband, especially if he knows very little about what happens to a woman during pregnancy. I read the first 6 chapters to Mr. BrainyBud and we laughed and he even got freaked out at some things with me. Of course, I read this before TTC, but I was really happy to know that I won't be the only "Psycho Chic" there ever was.

Two Thumbs Up!

Faith, Love, and Baby Flutters
Mrs. Brainy Bud

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