October 26, 2010

I must be dreaming!

Um, we get to cycle this month!

Went in for my baseline this morning and had myself fully prepared to find some kind of cyst or tumor or something that would cancel the cycle again. I didn't even bother paying attention to this ultrasound this time.

When they didn't draw blood, I knew it was a bust and they found something bad. So I waited for the nurse to tell me they were calling in a script for birth control pills or scheduling surgery.

Because, you know... I'm so incredibly optimistic.

Color me shocked when the nurse sat down with the schedule for when to start the stims and what days, times, etc and what day to come back for my next monitoring appointment.

I burst into tears. hahahahahhaa. She was so surprised that she didn't even know what to say. I blubbered and apologized and said that I was SO prepared for the cycle to be canceled that I was overwhelmed with emotion to find out we were actually going to be able to start!!!

I start with 50 IU of Follistim tomorrow and every day until I go in Monday for my monitoring appointment.


And, of course, I'm not expecting it to work.


Golden Bud said...

Yay!!! Hope you have a good follie check on Monday.


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