December 1, 2011

Holy, Diarrhea, Batman!!! :-/

I know this may be TMI... But I woke up with some TERRIBLE diarrhea today. Like, whoa! My intestines felt like they were going to burst out of me, and my whole body is tingly. I feel fine otherwise, so I don't think I am getting sick or anything...

Of course, I automatically did a search on 6DPO diarrhea, and apparently it can, and has, happened (all of a sudden, out of the blue). I have been very regular with the metformin pills, so I don't believe they are causing it... If they would be, it would've been when I first started taking them.

Idk... All I know is that I got a neg OPK last night, and also had a good amount of creamy white CM on my panty. Sorry if all this is TMI, but this is a blog about getting KU, and everything that entails ;)

My temp has also stayed relatively high... There was a slight dip, though not very large, yesterday, but it went up again to where it was...

Meanwhile, the waiting game continues... And I know I won't be able to resist the urge to POAS real soon :-/

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Sounds like Diarrhea is a good thing in this case?! Good luck and I hope when you do POAS that it will be positive!!

  2. I guess we shall see if it's a good sign or not... :-/ I don't think I can take another heartbreak like that this year... :(

  3. Yeah I know what you mean! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
