February 6, 2011

Time is going sooooooooo slow.

I turned 15 weeks on Friday. Waiting so impatiently for the elective gender scan we scheduled for the 12th. I cannot wait to find out what we are having. I will be thrilled with either but have a slight preference for a girl so we can re-use all of the girl clothes that we already have. Not to mention that sisters are just awesome!

After the recommendation of many of my friends, I purchased the Fisher Price Rock N Play Newborn Sleeper. I'm very excited about this because we can keep it in our room next to the bed which will make for easy middle of the night feedings for the first few months. I love that it has an incline just in case this baby has reflux like our daughter did.
I'm torn right now on breastfeeding. I had a difficult time with my daughter and my milk never fully came in. It was a very stressful time and the colic made it very difficult as well. I am determined to try harder this time but I'm just so unsure if I want to breastfeed or just pump and bottle feed. I didn't particularly enjoy breastfeeding for the short duration that I did it. I have a few more months to ponder the subject.

We did go a different route this time with bottles. We used Dr. Brown's last time but the ones we had weren't BPA free since that whole fiasco wasn't out at the time we were using bottles. So we threw those away and we decided to try Playtex Drop Ins this time. After having to wash so many parts with Dr. Brown's for so long, we liked the idea of having much fewer pieces to wash. Strangely, I'm actually very excited about bottle washing again. I enjoyed it.

I'm building my cloth diaper stash back up again. I only had mostly larges and some one sizes left over from my daughter and they were all girly colors. So I've started purchasing some smalls and mediums in gender neutral colors. BumGenius 3.0's, Fuzzibunz, and Beeber's Butts (Have to support my friend on her business!). Again, I'm strangely excited to start washing diapers again too. Little Sunflower Bud enjoys when new diapers come in the mail. She loves how small and soft they are and she knows right where they go in the baby's room and wants to put them there herself.

She is still very insistent that she's having a baby sister. Only a few more days until we know for sure!

I've started to relax quite a bit finally about the pregnancy. Though, unfortunately, the pregnancy hasn't started to relax for me. I still have some pretty major bouts of morning sickness for about 5 out of 7 days a week and I'm still very exhausted a lot of the time. Still hoping it gets better and lets up a bit.

1 comment:

  1. I also had a hard time BF and I am really torn if I will with our next child. The thought of going through the struggles of BF, and a newborn, and a toddler seems overwhelming!

    And I agree, I hate Dr. Browns Bottles! Too many parts to wash and mine always seemed to leak.
