February 5, 2011

Thankful I Was Wrong

Its been a roller coaster few days.

On Thursday I had some cramping. Figured for sure it was AF about to come. She usually shows up within 24 hours or so of cramps like that. I've been keeping an eye on the length of my luteal phase as its its right in the gray area of being too short and requiring treatment. Thursday was 9 DPO, meaning AF would be holding true to form by arriving at 10 DPO.

Friday morning I woke up to more cramps. Pretty notable ones at that. I also woke up to a temp that made my chart look like this:

Talk about a temperature drop before AF showed up! The whole day I was just waiting for her to make an appearance. Telling myself that it was alright, November is a fine month (My Birthday!), and that although this was the last chance for me to deliver a child full term before I turned 35...that it would be fine. It would work out. I was honestly more concerned about the luteal phase issue.

AF never did show.

This morning, my chart looked like this (below). I also woke up to a feeling of deja vu as there were little twinges in my uterus. These are really common in early pregnancy, and I remembered them from the pregnancy I lost at about 5 weeks back in November. Needless to say a test was taken.

Apparently those cramps were implantation cramps and the drop in temperature an implantation dip.

I've never been so happy to be completely wrong about something in my life. Mr. CB and I are surprised as we thought for sure this month was out, but are thrilled. According to my LMP, the EDD should be October 15th. I didn't ovulate on CD14 though, and when I plugged in my ovulation date it said the EDD would be October 18th. Since the two are so close and I'm pretty sure my OB will go with the LMP one until a dating ultrasound, that's what I'm sticking to for now. It being 3 months to the day from the EDD I had for my loss (July 15th) is a little freaky, but honestly, as long as the baby comes home healthy and happy I don't care what the due date is.

I'm such a mixture of emotions right now that I don't even know how to begin to describe the thoughts in my head. I'm excited, scared, anxious & hopeful all at once. I kind of feel like I'm running the gauntlet. Just trying to get past one obstacle at a time. There are so many things that have to go perfectly to result in a take home baby in the end, I'm just praying that things are going right in there.


  1. Thank you for your post and congrats! I have been trying for about a year now and can't believe how long it is taking since my first baby (who is now 2 1/2 years old) only took 2 months to conceive. I am right where you were a few days ago. I usually see spotting by now but have had lots of cramps and no AF yet. I was impatient and took a test a few days ago and it was negative so I don't have tons of hope right now...but I'm still hoping and I'm glad to know that even if you're cramping...you could still be pregnant! Congrats again!

  2. Congrats that is soo exciting!! What a wonderful thing to be wrong about!! Good luck!!

  3. OMG congrats!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully I will be able to join you ;)

  4. Sweetpea-I'm glad to have given you some hope. I've never been so sure AF was coming. Early pregnancy symptoms can really mimic AF symptoms sometimes, and this was definitely one of those cases. I hope the same happens for you!

    Buds-Thank you so much for your congrats! It still doesn't seem real. Fingers crossed for you Diva Bud!

  5. Oh wow! I was so, so excited to read your post! That is WONDERFUL news!!

  6. YAY YAY YAY!!! So excited for you!! H&H 9 months to you!

  7. BTW, how did you manage to downsize your charts? I tried a million different ways and my chart is too big for my post. And feedback you can give is appreciated :)

  8. PB&J--the only way I've found to do it is to save the chart as a pdf (gif/jpg maybe?) to my desktop, then upload as a photo and choose the file size as medium in blogger. I'm open to hearing other ways though!

  9. Thank you Magnolia Bud! Your tip worked! Kind of a PITA, but still, it worked :)
