October 11, 2009

Bloomin' Babies 1st Giveaway!!!

Hi There Faithful Followers! Thank you soooo much for helping make this blog a wonderful success & a great reference for those TTC & pregnant alike!

In honor of surpassing the 50 followers mark, we are doing our first giveaway for our readers. We are giving away some beautiful PINK (for Breast Cancer Awareness month!) handmade jewelery (made with love by Daffodil Bud) & a "P.S. I Love You" body splash + hand lotion combo from Bath & Body Works. "P.S. I Love You" is a new feminine fragrance from Bath & Body Works that is a "modern blend of rose petals, amber, sparkling Riesling and hypnotic incense"....it smells GOOD - trust me. ;o)

Here is a photo of the giveaway items:

(Sorry the lighting wasn't the greatest in my bedroom)

To enter for this wonderful gift set & handmade jewelry giveaway, leave a comment on this post telling us one thing you love about the Bloomin' Babies blog. You must be a follower of the blog to enter! Giveaway closes on Sunday, October 18, 2009 at midnight (EST) & winner will be selected using http://www.random.org/

Once the winner is selected, I will post her name (as shown in her Blogger profile) & ask that she email us to receive her prize - if we do not hear from the winner by the specified timeframe, then we will select another winner, so be sure to check back next Sunday to see if you've won! Good luck & thanks again for following Bloomin' Babies!!


  1. Oooh ooh I want to win! Thanks so much for this blog. I love following the different TTC journeys of all the Buds. Baby dust to all!

  2. I love reading the blog to see that I'm not alone in my journey or to see what I can look forward to in the future!

  3. what a great idea! Just started reading this blog yesterday.

  4. I like knowing that I am not alone in this journey.

  5. I have grown to really care about you girls on GP, so I enjoy having the opportunity to keep up with your journeys! (Beautiful giveaway idea!)

  6. Ooooo...I love giveaways! I just love all the different points of pregnancy this blog offers.

  7. i PPH this blog.. and the bloggers! :)

  8. I love this blog because all the bloggers are going through such different journeys and are coming from different points of view.

    Congrats are hitting 50 followers!

  9. This blog is great so I can follow all of you even when I can't make it to the nest. I think DH has even sneaked a glance! Thanks for keeping it up!

  10. The reason why I follow this blog is to know that I'm not alone in this journey. I also like all the mamas giving their advice and what their journey is like while they are pregnant. Good luck to all of you!!!

  11. I like reading it because it's neat to hear about different stories, adventures and struggles with TTC as well as the excitment of the BFP's, ultrasounds and milestone. Plus I <3 all of the contributers :)

  12. I just started reading this blog recently. I love the different perspectives we get, and it feels good to hear what others are going through during our journey TTC.

    BTW - the giveaway jewelry is beautiful!

  13. I know I am not even married yet but my fiance and I talk about having a family on a regular basis. We plan to try shortly after we get married. You ladies are all an inspiration and very funny to boot!
