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Oh, also - I had my Dr. appointment on Friday & my PCP tends to agree with my OB/GYN & suggests I wait for a bit longer until I start pursuing any treatment for my LP issues. She says that she thinks that in addition to stress, my not being pg yet has to do with my body still getting adjusted to being off BCPs, and she could very well be right - but I'm impatient. She says that I should maybe consider not charting for a cycle to see if that helps with my stress level - I have not yet decided if I will do this...I actually don't think that charting stresses me out, I think not knowing what's going on would stress me out more! She did agree that she would do all the blood work I am looking to have done, including the check of my progesterone levels. So I have an appointment on Wednesday to have my blood taken for the tests. I updated the girls on the TTC internet message board I frequent & they reminded me that progesterone should only be tested on certain days of your menstrual cycle - not on just any random day. So I will probably cancel that test & have it done by my OB/GYN later. I have an appointment with my OB/GYN for mid-December that I made a while back about my LP (when they told me to keep trying for a few more months before coming in), so I will most likely get my progesterone levels checked then. Unfortunately, Mr. WB suggest that I also wait until my appointment in December to pursue any additional approaches. At this point I am weighing my options & may consider going to get another opinion before then, but for now I am anxiously waiting to see how this current cycle goes. Wish me luck and T&P while we consider what our next move is.
I know from my experience, that not charting stressed me more than charting. Some doctors don't understand that.
ReplyDeleteAt this point in my TTC world (cycle 11 coming to a close), i don't even temp every day anymore. I temp for O, and then I'm lax about it. I don't temp during AF at all, and once i'm positive of O, if I miss a day (or 3) here and there I'm fine with it.
WIshing you luck WB - but I hope you'll follow your doctors advice... i think it's good advice. You're only JUST off BCPs... it might take awhile to adjust. I'm so sorry.
Thanks Dandelion Bud...I really do value your opinion & take to heart everything you tell me. I am weighing my options still & am leaning towards listening to my Dr. Dec. is really not that far away & like you said I am JUST off BCPs so I'm interested to see if anything happens in the next few cycles.
ReplyDeleteI'm so relieved that you said that WB... i don't ever want to hurt your feelings or have you think that I have anything but the best of intentions.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a lucky cycle... I really really do!!