January 15, 2013

Gender Reveal

Mr. Explorer Bud and I had our 20 week ultrasound and are excited to announce what we are having........
The little guy looked great in the ultrasound and was very calm. He is measuring a week ahead and all his organs and measurements look good. As for other pregnancy related things, I think I have finally started to feel the little guy moving around the past two days which is really fun. It kinda feels like sideways bubbles moving around my stomach!! Last week we started our Hypnobabies class and have been enjoying that and doing lots and lots of practice my self-hypnosis. I have been feeling great and am working on eating healthy to prepare for a good labor!!!


  1. Congratulations! Little boys are so much fun! I love your reveal. :)

  2. Best feeling in the world :) I know I'm enjoying my little Man - I'm sure you will too!!

  3. I think that's one of the most fulfilling parts of every parent seeing that tiny kid in the ultrasound. Congratulations!

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