October 20, 2012

39 weeks - still pregnant

Here is my current update, for your reading pleasure :) 

How far along: 39 weeks - no progress as of this past Wednesday at 38w4d :-/

Total weight change: Stopped at +50 - thank God!

Maternity clothes: Same. I've got my pregnancy uniform ;)

Stretch Marks: I have accepted my Zebra status :) 

Movement: Still rolling around in there, but slightly slower. I think he has officially run out of room. 

Sleep: LOVE my sleepy time. Sleeping well, but waking up with aches. My body is "done".

Best Moment This Past Week: Deciding that this will be the week. Scheduled a c-section for Thursday, very early in the morning... but still hoping he'll come on his own before then. Let's see what happens...

Most Difficult Moment This Past Week: Not seeing any progress. Also, my blood pressure was a bit high (considering it has been low and stable during the entire pregnancy).

Belly Button In or Out: Still in... looks like a butt-hole lol!!!!

Cravings/Aversions: No major cravings. Not even hungry at times. 

Symptoms: Heartburn, and indigestion. Slight BH here and there... but nothing major. Thinking of convincing Mr. DBud to DTD so maybe the baby will decide to come out ;)

I am dying for him to be here, so I can share my birth story with you!!!!! Pray for us :)

1 comment:

  1. I've been checking in every.single.day since you posted this hoping to see your birth story.

    Hopefully he gets here soon if he's not already, and if he is here I hope you are all doing well and that your recovery and the adjustment to motherhood is going smoothly.

    ~Cactus Bud
