For starters, things are progressing well, and with progress came my first ultrasound for Gestational Dating, which took place yesterday (Friday). I cannot even begin to express how thrilled I was to see our little Frijol on the screen :) he/she measures between 7w6d and 8w1d, which is what I predicted, making my Dr. off by a week (since he was going by my LMP and not my actual O date. Also, it proves that FF was off by 2 days for my O... If you look at my chart, you'll see FF put my O on 2/2, but there's another temp drop on 2/4 followed by a subsequent rise. I officially arrived at 8 weeks today, Saturday. My new EDD is 10/27 :) without further adieu, here is our little Frijol...
He/she looked excellent, and the ultrasound tech was very happy with how everything looked. We also got to hear a very strong heartbeat at 178bpm. I am over the moon!!! Can't wait to see our little Baby again on 4/16 for our next ultrasound.
Meanwhile, I have been totally exhausted... All I want to do is sleep! And I get slight moments of queasiness, but not much cookie tossing. I've only had one instance where I woke up at 5 in the morning and had to visit the bathroom to pray to the porcelain Gods. My boobie soreness comes and goes, and I've had these terrible headaches on the right side of my head, but I've had this terrible nasal congestion that is finally is beginning to subside. Other than that, I am as happy as can be :)
Hope to have more info and updates soon :)
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Yea, Yeah, Yea!!! What a great thing to be able to see your little baby and hear that heartbeat!! Congratulations this is such a wonderful time for you and I hope you are able to enjoy every minute of this pregnancy!!!