February 22, 2012

Still going strong :)

I am so happy! 20DPO and still going strong :) I have continued temping and occasionally POAS just to make sure it's not too good to be true. Take a look at my last two FRER tests:

17DPO - late evening

20DPO - fmu

I think its a good sign when the test line is darker than the control line, and starts to show up before the control line as well ;)

Also, here is what my chart looks like as of this morning:

I had a bit of a temp jump this morning, which is reassuring. :)

I have been taking really good care of myself lately. I have been eating right, and not doing anything too strenuous. Mr. DBud has been helping a lot, too, which is great. He's been washing dishes, and helping me organize after our recent move. He was concerned cause I had some lower back pain yesterday, but I blame it on spending all day Monday organizing our house after our move (which I am still not done doing). Today, it is much better :)

I pray that this baby continues to grow, and that this pregnancy continues to progress. All position vibes and prayers are MUCH appreciated and welcomed :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I'm so glad that things continue to look up for you 3! ;o)

    When is your first appointment?

  2. Things are looking so good, I am so glad! Congratulations!

  3. No appointment yet... Can't decide on practitioner. Deciding tomorrow :)

    Thanks!!!! I hope things continue to go well :)
