December 12, 2011

On the 17th day of temping, my BBT gave to me...

A 97.33! Holy moly! This marks 17 straight days of temps above the cover line. Apparently, 18 days CAN mean pregnancy. But, one thing I have learned about this process is, A LOT of things can mean that I am KU. Therefore, I am going to stay positive while not keeping my hopes up, if that's possible.

FF advises that I test on Wednesday, and that's probably what I'll do. Wednesday will be 19 DPO. FF also predicts that AF will arrive any day from today on... So we shall also see if she decides to show up or not.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Those temps look promising so maybe you are not the norm, but hey if you get a BFP who cares!! I hope that is what this means!! It can be very frustrating waiting and waiting and waiting for an answer!!

  2. We shall see... I am going to continue waiting and see... If too much time passes, a visit to the Dr. will definitely be in order.

  3. Those temps look good sweetness! I def recommend going to the doc and seeing if they can test your beta's. Aside from the 1 day wait it takes to get results, your waiting game will be over!! You've been patient long it!!

  4. Ugh, I know... but my Dr. was a bit nonchalant at my MC appointment, and they don't make appointments until 8 weeks for PG. I figured I would wait until next week, when I'm on vacation (in the event that AF shows up or I get a BFP). I have waiting this long... I can wait a little longer.
