December 19, 2011

Lets Get It On

So today I went to my chiropractor for an adjustment and a session of deep tissue massage therapy like I always do. I initially began seeing a chiro to to improve my chances of conceiving (I read somewhere this helps with fertility). So I had my adjustment and all went as usual. The massage therapist I had never seen before was to work with me for an hour. A very talkative lady who I ended up finding out was also a REIKI therapist. Now, let me add that I have been willing to try anything to get knocked up. I did acupuncture back in the summer which happened to lead me to find out about the tubal pregnancy I had. That is another story for another day. So let me continue.
So Kathy (Reiki Therapist) isn't technically allowed to promote Reiki but she chooses to incorporate it into her massages. So that's what she did with me. I didn't know this until I happened to ask her about Reiki and she said that's what she was using on me.
**How awesome is it that I have been so interested in Reiki and I meet someone who has been doing it for decades!**

Let me just say, Reiki is absolutely amazing! It's a form of Japanese therapy to help with healing, etc. The therapist acts as a conductor of energy from the "universe" into the patient. Sounds loco, but that shit was CRAYYYZAYYYY. The natural heat from Kathy's hands was intense. It was like leather heated seats but in the form of a human. I Highly recommend it.
See this link for more information on Reiki:

I left the office feeling SO good. Mentally and physically. I thought to myself...."how great would it be if I got home and finally got a positive OPK?!" I have not had any cross hairs on my chart yet so I pretty sure I haven't ovulated. I haven't gotten any positive OPK's yet either )and I've been testing 3x a day for a week!) I get home, POAS, and ScHaBaM!! A big fat beautiful positive.
Here is my current chart.

So know what I will be doing the next 3 night. FWP!


  1. That sounds amazing and super relaxing I may hit up some massage or Reiki as well!! Keeping my fingers crossed that this is your cycle!!

  2. @ Dink, it is def something to look into if you find yourself stressed. I loved it! Thanks for the crossed fingers....I'll be sure to keep everyone up to date!
