November 18, 2011

OPK 3 - starting to sense a change?

So, here is the result from day 3 of OPKs... Does anyone else sense a change? I took this one last night, I just didn't get to posting it until now...

Today is CD 15, two days before the last time I got KU (on day 17). So I will definitely be testing tonight. But, in the meantime, Mr. DBud and I figured it's not so bad to practice the BD in the meantime ;)

If this month doesn't do the trick, we may consider finally visiting the fertility clinic. We just wanted to actively try on our own before we went that route... I guess we'll see if this cycle turns out to be a bust or not.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. woohoo...getting closer!!! Get busy sista!:)

  2. Getting closer, but not positive yet. Keep BD'ing!

  3. YAY Diva! I'm so excited for you! Good luck! =oD

  4. :::Fingers crossed::: let's see if the -15 lbs and metformin are helping... :) :) :)

  5. Keeping my fingers crossed that this month is the one!! 15 lbs lighter can't be bad for the hormone levels!! Congrats that is an awesome amount to have lost!!!
