November 9, 2011

Baby BB has arrived!

Asher is here!

Asher arrived Friday, November 4 at 9:31 pm. He weighed 8 lbs 11 ½ oz. and was 22 inches long. I went into labor on Thursday around 6 pm. My contractions started around 7-10 minutes apart and at around 11 pm got to 5 minutes apart. We called my Sister-In-Law to come to our house and stay with the older kids. I called the midwife on call to ask her when she wanted me to come in. I could still walk and talk through the contractions but the midwives had advised me to come in as soon as I thought I was in real labor since we live an hour away from the hospital.

The midwife on call told me she wanted me to come in and at least get checked. Our bags were already packed so once Sister-In-Law arrived we left. My contractions were still 5 minutes apart.

When we arrived around 1 am I got wheeled up to the Alternative Birth Center (ABC) to be checked. I was at 5 cm so the nurse was calling my midwife in. Eric and I decided to walk to halls to see if we could get my contractions to pick up. We walked for about a half an hour before my midwife arrived. She said what we were doing was good and also suggested bouncing on the ball. I tried that when I got tired of walking but my contractions stayed 5 minutes apart.

My midwife suggested I try to rest while I could so Eric and I decided to sleep for a bit. It was hard to sleep because the nurse had to check Asher’s heart rate every half an hour. I think I ended up sleeping around 1 ½ hours. When I woke up around 5 am my midwife wanted to check me again and I was closer to 6 cm and 80% effaced. This was frustrating to me because my contractions were not picking up. I felt like I stalled and they would send me home. My midwife assured me she would not send me home because I was in labor.

My mom arrived around 7 am and Eric slept more while she and I talked and laughed while I alternated walking and bouncing on the ball. The first midwife left and my second midwife arrived. She said she would check me around two and suggested I try nipple stimulation to get things moving. I bounced on the ball in the shower for a while and it seemed to pick things up a bit.

My midwife checked me again around two and I was at 6-7 and still 80% effaced. I was definitely getting very frustrated at this point. A student midwife accompanied the midwife at this point and they suggested castor oil or breaking my water. Eric and I talked about it a little bit and I decided I’d rather have my water broken than deal with diarrhea and contractions. The student midwife attempted to break my water for about 5 minutes before I got angry and asked for someone who knows what they are doing to break it. My midwife broke my water around 3 pm Friday, on the first try and she said it was nice, clear fluid.

This is when things finally started to progress. My contractions came harder and stronger and I wanted to get into the tub. The nurse filled up the tub and I got in. I leaned against the side while Eric put a cold washcloth on my head and the student midwife poured water down my back. During my contractions I zoned out and relaxed, my mom and Eric both said I looked so peaceful. They were impressed with how I was handling my contractions.

Around 6:30 I wanted out of the tub because I was uncomfortable. I got out and had to go to the bathroom. Everyone helped me out and dried me off. I went to the bathroom and had a hard contraction. When I was done I wanted to lay down, I was so exhausted because I had been up over 24 hours. I got into the bed and this is where things get hazy. My midwife checked me again and I was at 8 cm, I was so mad because I was in serious pain by now. I started crying and lost my focus. Eric and my mom tried to calm me down.

My contractions were hurting so bad I started thrashing in the bed looking for any position to relieve the pain. My back never stopped hurting so even in between contractions I was in terrible pain.

This is when I started making noises and begging for drugs. My mom and Eric reminded me of all the reasons I wanted to have a natural birth, encouraged and praised me along with the midwives and nurses.

I decided to go to the bathroom again or maybe someone told me to, I can’t remember. I regained some of my focus in the bathroom and made it through a few contractions on the toilet and on the floor.

This is when I remember the most amazing nurse coming in to help. She came in and said “You CAN do this, you ARE doing this. Work with your body!” She gave me some motivation. I went back to the bed and soon I was ready to push. All the midwives (there were 3 now- the student, the midwife who had been there and another one to observe) were giving me ideas of how to push but they were not helping. Eventually my rock star nurse told them to let me figure it out. Once I did what I wanted things moved quickly. Eric said he was out in 10 pushes after that. My mom was at my back and Eric was ready to catch our baby.

I remember my mom telling me to look down and see the head. I opened my eyes and looked and that gave me more motivation. I was almost done. Finally I pushed his head out and with another contraction I pushed his body out. Eric immediately put the baby on me but forgot to check to see if we had a boy or a girl. He lifted baby’s leg and said “It’s a boy!” I was crying now and just looking down at this little person who I was so happy was out and here and mine.

He barely cried so I kept asking if he was okay, my midwives assured me he was. I held him and Eric and I stared at him deciding who he looked like. After the placenta was delivered my midwife told me I had a small, small tear and asked if I wanted stitches. She said I didn’t need one so I opted not to get one.

I was then able to attempt to nurse Asher. He latched on very well and it seemed like he ate and ate and ate.
Overall I had a good experience. I definitely could not have made it through without my husband, my mom and a supportive midwife team. I wanted to give up but they wouldn’t let me. I’m glad I made it through without any medications but mostly I am glad for a happy, healthy little boy. I love him SO much!

Thank you to everyone who read my story from TTC to the birth of my sweet little boy. I enjoyed being a part of a wonderful group of ladies who I wish all the best to in their journeys.

Goodbye for now,

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