October 20, 2011

10 Day Count Down

Only 10 more days remain until I am able to have my 9 week ultrasound. As each day passes I am starting to feel more and more confident that things are going to be okay. I just feel like it will be a huge sigh of relief to have a good 9 week ultrasound and then, as my Dr said, I can start to get excited.

Speaking of countdowns...when I was a kid, each year my mom would buy us a Christmas Countdown Calendar. There would be a door to open for each day of the month of December leading up to Christmas, with a piece of chocolate hiding behind each door. It was so fun to have something to look forward to, to remind us of how quickly the big day would arrive. Last night I started making a pregnancy countdown calendar that counts down 36 weeks of pregnancy(it excludes the first 4 weeks, it was just easier to make it 6 rows by 6 rows.)
I am planning on writing something fun to do for each week behind the door, to celebrate our progress, or a big landmark for the week. I will take a picture when I am all done putting it together. It is just fun to have something to remind me just how fast it really is all going to pass by, and to enjoy it as it comes.

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