February 14, 2011

Valentines Day & Cycle 3

My valentine’s day started out with getting up at 3am to send Mr. DB off to work on his day off. He has been trying to work as much OT as possible to save up for all these fertility treatments and our new home. Mr. DB then called me around noon to let me know they need him to stay and work more OT (guess all the hubby/wives are calling in today). Oh well, I am sure we can celebrate once he gets home around 8pm! I can’t wait to give him tons of hugs and kisses.

I also received a call from my RE setting up my Clomid check for 1:50pm. Gosh, don't you just love the transvaginal ultrasound to check your ovaries and uterus (total sarcasm). I hate every minute of the ultrasound. It is one of the most uncomfortable things I put myself through each month. I still get nervous every time I go in for the appointment. I worry I won’t be cleared for another round, but Happy Valentine’s Day to me, everything was perfect and I was cleared for another round. My RE decided to up the dose this time.

Starting tomorrow 100mg of Clomid (2 tablets daily for 5 days), Clomid Crazies here I come! Bring on those pills, hot flashes, mood swings, irritability, sore breasts, headaches and complete inner craziness!

I know all of the craziness will be worth it in the end! Nothing but high hopes that this is my cycle, this will be the one to give us our little miracle!

So for now I will keep hoping and wishing!

Photo Credit

Hope everyone had a wonderful time with their Valentine! We are all so lucky to have someone in our lives who care about us through all the ups and downs of IF. I know I am truly thankful for Mr. DB! He is my valentine, my rock, my strength, my true love and my best friend!
Happy Valentines Day!!!


  1. Congrats :) Maybe you'll end up with multiples ;)

  2. That is great!! Good luck on this new round! The symptoms will all be forgotten when you have a baby!!
