February 9, 2011

O Machine says...

Max Fertile Day is CD 12! I seriously love this thing. Right now I am CD 7 so it looks like I will be O'ing on Valentines Day. I seem to have a knack for O'ing on holidays, I O'd on Christmas too. Hopefully Valentines Day is the day that brings us a BFP.

I have been drinking POM and Green Tea like it is my job this cycle. I have also been staying away from Fertility Friend since I spent a lot of time staring at my chart last cycle. I have been trying to relax more this cycle too. I also plan on eating Pineapple core starting on the 15th and through the 20th. It can't hurt right?

My friends mom is a midwife and I have gotten in contact with her for advice on conceiving. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on about birth, mostly natural birth. The midwife said she had some more books for me (my Kindle is full of a page worth of Birth books!) and that she would give Mr. Buttercup Bud and I a private tour of the birth center. I definitely want the tour but I don't want to do it until we are pregnant. I suppose I might be getting a little ahead of myself researching birth when I am not pregnant yet, oh well.

Awhile back I bought a Skip Hop Duo Deluxe Messenger Diaper Bag, that looks like this:

from my local cloth diaper store and one cloth diaper. Yes, just one! I wanted to start building my stash. Since I bought those though, I have resisted buying anything else for future Baby Buttercup. It is so hard, I love baby stuff! Plus 2 of our really close friends are pregnant and due within a week of each other. Lots of babies going on around here. Hopefully I can join them soon. Until then my uterus and I will keep hoping.

-Buttercup Bud

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