February 4, 2011

IVF #2 Results and a Bad Day ...

Just got in from work after having a flat tire on top of everything else :(

I went for beta this morning knowing it would be low or negative because I started cramping late last night, bleeding this morning and I passed embryonic tissue right before I left for beta. Clinic called this afternoon beta was negative but technically this was a c/p. Not sure why I keep having so many c/p when all 0f my immune results are normal (This makes c/p #3). I have to schedule a WTF w/ my RE then I will do an FET in March or April. Overall I am still happy with how this cycle went and with my new clinic. Just trying to rest and now I am curled up in the bed watching TV. It has been a rough day... Thanks so much for all of your support ladies ;)


  1. I am soo sorry to hear about the results, hopefully they can find out what is the deal so that you won't keep having this happen! Good luck on your FET in March I am sure it will be a better outcome!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this. I really hope they can get you some answers. Best of luck in March!

  3. I'm so sorry BB -continuing to pray for you girl. :)

  4. I'm so sorry to hear this :( Sending many (((hugs))) your way, along with all the hope I have that your FET ends in your sticky baby.

  5. I am so sorry to hear this :( I hope you are able to find some answers and will soon have a take home baby.
