February 17, 2011

IUI#5 update

Unfortunately, IUI #4 ended in a BFN. At first I had high hopes for it, since it was my first injectables cycle. However, my high hopes were dashed by having only one follicle and my gut feeling that the timing of the IUI was a little too late (we BDed the morning before just in case). Of course, hope is a wicked thing, and towards the end of my cycle, I started feeling positive again since I was feeling similar to the way I felt at the end of my 2nd IUI cycle when I got a BFP.

When I went to get the dosages for my meds for IUI #5, I was caught off-guard when the doctor decided he wanted me to have a hysteroscopy right then and there to see if my myoma (which they had been following via ultrasound for quite a few months) had invaded through the uterine wall into the uterine cavity. Unfortunately, this was the case, but the good news is that right now it is still only minimally invasive, and while I was told that I may need surgery to remove it in the next year, I was given the go ahead to continue cycling for now. If this cycle doesn't work, we'll do 1 more IUI (6 total) before moving on to IVF.

Today (CD10) I had a monitoring appointment. I'm not sure why, but I am feeling pretty good about this cycle! I have a few small follies on the right and 2 good-sized ones on the left (at 15 and 16 mm). Lining is 8mm. I am continuing with Puregon today and tomorrow night, triggering Saturday morning, and doing IUI on Sunday. I didn't get to see my E2 and progesterone levels. My extremely bruised tummy will be happy for Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on this cycle!! That is great news that you are ok to continue cycling which I am sure is a big relief!! I still have a bruise on my stomach from the shots and now my butt is getting its fair share of them!!
