January 26, 2011

Happy happy :)

Well, what can I say? I am floating on a big, fluffy, cloud. Mr. DBud and I had a FABULOUS time celebrating our Anniversary. It was so wonderful, and we really needed it... It was nice to get away, just the two of us. :)

With that said, we had a good weekend when it came to BDing and Ovulating. If I did, in fact, ovulate this time, then we may have a success. But still, only time will tell.

In this screen shot of my calendar from the Period Tracker App... The flower represents my Ovulation (currently it is predicting that I am Ovulating today), and the hearts tell when we BDed. On Friday, u noticed I was dripping clear watery discharge (like, I could feel it), and on Monday we had major EWCM... So I think that was a good sign :)

So now, we wait...