January 3, 2011

Happy Barren Day to me.

Just got back from my second opinion, $365 poorer and full of bad news.

The doctor thinks that my "D&E with retained placenta" likely fvcked up my lining to the point of no return. Even if it looks ok in a hysteroscopy, the biology of my lining has changed and there's really nothing anyone can do. He said we could try a couple of mock cycles to see if things improve by some miracle, but it's unlikely. He thinks that after a fresh and frozen DE failure, the writing is on the wall and that we ought to save those embies for a gestational carrier. He gave me the name of an agency in Oregon, which apparently has better laws than Washington.

So now we have to decide what to do. Never in a million years did I think I'd ever be incapable of carrying a child.

But then again, that's just my luck, isn't it? 


  1. Oh my God, I am so so so sorry, GB. I can't even imagine the emotions swirling around right now.

  2. I am so sorry, GB. My heart is breaking for you right now. You and Mr. GB are in my prayers.

  3. OMG :( that sucks so bad... I am so sorry! :(

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about this bad news. Wishing you the very best of luck as you move forward!
