September 3, 2010

Really AF?!??!?!?!?

Today I got AF. It is now onto Cycle 15. Of course, AF was due on Wed. She did not show. I was shcheduled for an HSG Ultrasound yesterday and had to cancel because she DID NOT SHOW. So, secretly I was SOOO psyched because my temps were good and I really thought that this was it. I wake up this morn and my temp PLUMETTED and I KNEW she was on her way. An hour later she made her appearance. Just for the record, I have never this whole 15 months of TTC had a 29 day cycle. They are always 26-27 day cycles, and I had ONE 28 day cycle, so I thought for sure that this was it. Happy fun Labor Day weekend at the beach to me. with AF. Next stop? HSG Ultrasound Tues at 430 PM.

1 comment:

  1. Awww I'm so sorry. I hate hate hate when she is a nasty tease like that.

    I hope that your HSG is crystal clear and gives you the "Drano" that you need to get things moving for the next cycle!
