September 13, 2010

31-32 weeks - our little squash!

OMG, as usual I can't believe how quickly time is flying & how close we are to meeting our little miracle in person! We have been hard at work knocking out some of the major things on the Baby Worry Bud to do list I made up, which is quite extensive, lol. I am super DUPER excited about everything coming up over the next couple of weeks - this week we have our maternity hospital tour on Thursday & our Baby WB shower #1 is this Saturday in Mr. WB's hometown (being hosted by my MIL)! I am so excited! We spoke to his mom the other day & she told us about 20 people should be there - probably some we (or at least I) don't even know, but it'll be so much fun opening all her cute gifts & seeing everyone! We are leaving on Saturday since I have to work on Friday (& can't really use leave right now until the babe arrives or closer to my due date), and we'll come back early Sunday!

Speaking of MR. WB's fam - we had a talk about how visiting would go when the baby arrives & he is going to ask his mom what her plans are this weekend. The problem is - we only have two bedrooms in our little townhouse - ours & the baby's. Our dog other child sleeps in our room on the floor (he has comfy bed on the floor), on Mr. WB's side of the bed. We have a futon that can convert to a full size bed in the basement, but besides that, we don't have any room for many people to stay. I also don't really want a lot of people staying over - his mom is a definite since I'm sure she'll wanna be around her only grandchild when she arrives for a few days before she has to go back home for work, but besides that...I really want us to have our family time to adjust to our new life with the baby. It'll be an adjustment for all of us - me, Mr. WB & the dog & I guess I just don't want the added stress of feeling like I have to host guests - do you know what I mean? At the same time, his family lives hours away & mine is right around the corner, so they can just come over & visit whenever. And my parents & sisters & brother will all be able to see the little one MUCH more often than his family. I can see how he  feels about that, but we live where we live & work where we work, so there's not much I can do about it. He understands, but I think he just wants me to understand as well. And I do, but that doesn't change the way I feel about a lot of people staying over our house literally RIGHT after we come home with the baby. Did/do any of you have to deal with a similar situation? How did you handle that? I want to be fair - I love him & his family & want him this to be a very happy time for us, not a stressful one. Le sigh.

In other news, my baby buying obsession has picked up again over the past couple of weeks. :o/ I couldn't help it! I just happened across lots of cute stuff @ great prices recently, so I got:

This cute little personalized pumpkin beanie (since she'll be a fall be beh) from Etsy Seller cherylengelstad.

And these...

A cute & very functional diaper caddy & Boppy cover from Target.They were both on my Target registry & I know it's bad to buy stuff of the registry before your shower(s), but they were both on sale for a great price (more than the discount will be for the completion of the registry) & both were online only items (thus less likely to be purchased as gifts), so I went for it!

And finally:

This cute baby sling, leg warmers & bracelet gift set from Seven Everyday Slings (the makers of Udder Covers). IDK if I'll actually use the bracelet {probably not}, but the sling & leg warmers are adorable! You can use the sling from infant to 6+ months & I got a one-time use coupon code for a FREE sling (a $39.99 value), so all I had to pay for was the difference between the sling alone & the gift set + shipping. You know I can't resist free stuff, so I went for it too!

That should be it for my buying stuff for awhile. I think her showers over the next couple of weeks will satisfy my fix for a bit, so I should be good until she arrives, minus the stuff we may still have to purchase that we need if we do not receive them as gifts.

According to The Bump, baby girl is the size of a squash & is about 3.75 lbs. & 16.7 inches. My ute is pushing up near my diaphragm & crowding my stomach, which can lead to shortness of breath & heartburn. All of that is definitely happening to me - it's not extremely unbearable, but not fun either. Baby Center says that I can help myself out with these symptoms by sleeping with pillows propped up & eating smaller meals more often, both of which I have been doing. I'm also normally pretty sore in my feet, legs, hips, sides & lower back by the end of most days & exhausted. Mr. WB is pretty good about helping me out if I need it in the evenings & gives me frequent massages whenever I need them too. Love him. At my 32 week appointment this week, we met the newest Dr. at my OB practice & I actually really like her! I'm so happy I feel comfortable with all four of them, so whoever delivers her, I'll be happy with. I surprisingly have no preference at all. The appointment was pretty routine - peed in a cup, did a weight & blood pressure check & the Dr. met with us briefly & checked the baby's heartbeat with the doppler - a healthy 144 bpm & everything else was normal too. Baby WB is in the head down position & getting plump & prepared for birth, which is just 5-8 weeks away now! She's moving away a lot still - more shifting than kicking, but she still kicks a lot too. Can't believe how close we are...and we can't wait to meet her!

And now on to my 31 & 32 week bump pics. We were originally gonna do some maternity shots this past weekend, but re-scheduled due to semi-crappy weather, so now we are waiting for two weeks since we'll be out of town this weekend. I'm actually kinda happy we are waiting two more weeks for the maternity shots - perhaps the belleh will be a little larger? It's pretty big now, but I figure a bit of a bigger belly couldn't hurt for the pics, right?!

31 weeks:

32 weeks:

I am CRAZY busy at work until late next week, but hopefully I'll have time to pop in & give some updates on our maternity tour & shower this weekend! 


  1. Hi Worry Bud, wow it's getting close, huh? I understand how you feel about having lots of guests. I've heard new parents (parents of children in my classes) talk about parents-in-law coming for several weeks, and I always wondered how that worked out. I'm sure you'll find a soluation that you are both comfortable with. Have fun at your shower!

  2. It's amazing what a 1-week difference makes in your belly shots! Looking forward to hearing about your shower & tour!

  3. Have a great time at your shower! The beanie is adorable :)

  4. Thanks guys!

    Golden Bud - crazy right?! I didn't notice how big of a chnge till you pointed it out, but you're right!

  5. Wow . . . You're little one will be here pretty soon. Congrats! Can't wait to read more.

  6. its a pretty cool idea for a baby gift can you let me know from ware I can find some online coupons for these products?
