August 16, 2010


I came back from vacation with a very positive attitude. Read a fabulous book called "A Few Good Eggs" that gave me great perspective.

I highly recommend the book if you need a laugh or a pick me up or just a good ol' kick in the pants.

Anyway, back from vacation, rested and refocused and ready to go. I started temping again while on vacation. Naturally, with my wonderful luck, all I could find in Canada was a Celsius BBT. That's been fun...

I normally start doing the OPK's on CD10 but I forgot last night because I was too tired. Shrugged it off because I don't ovulate until much later anyway. Needless to say, I was floored when I saw this little diddly smiling back at me this afternoon at noon on CD11:
So part of me is worried that it's might be leftover from the miscarriage. I'm waiting for the doctor's office to call me back and reassure me that I am indeed probably ovulating. Holy early!!!

Here's hoping that's a great sign for a great month!