Since I left off last time, I was concerned that our first IUI might not happen this cycle. However, on CD 22 I got a positive OPK and on CD 23 I had a 18.5 mm follicle and an 11.5 mm lining, so it was finally go time! I was lucky to get my u/s done super quickly, but unfortunately the S/A component took MUCH longer than we anticipated because the sperm bank where they do the washing and preparation was really backed up. I was done with my u/s by 8:30 but unfortunately the goods weren't ready until a little after 12pm!
The IUI itself was super quick--a little painful but really not longer than 2 minutes. I was happy because the doctor I like ended up doing it, which definitely made me feel better about things. Unfortunately, I don't think I ovulated until the following day so the timing could have probably been a bit better, but I am so happy it was accomplished successfully and that I did eventually O, even if it wasn't until CD 24. I am trying to feel a little hopeful. While I am not a huge romantic, I never imagined that our first child would be conceived on an uncomfortable table in an exam room but if it works, I will be ecstatic. I feel so relieved to be free from ultrasounds and blood tests for the next 2 weeks.
GL in the 2ww! Hoping this is it for you!!