July 13, 2010

My baby buying obsession pays off for all of you!!

So I know I have written a lot lately about my ridiculous baby buying obsession...and it really is ridiculous. I have literally had to keep myself away from all my favorite baby discount sites. I even put myself on a mandatory no baby buying restriction until the next pay period, which started TODAY!! Holler. Baby buying restriction lifted & just in time.... :)

Because consequently, today I got an email from Nicole, owner/designer of the buti-bag company. I featured her cute bundle bag/carry all that I was lusting over on Zulily in my last post, remember?!

Well it's long gone from Zulily - their sales only last a couple days so you gotta jump on stuff that you see & love! So back to my story - Nicole wrote me a very very nice email thanking me & the Bloomin' Babies readers for visiting her site as a result of my post & she offered an invitation-only promotion to ALL Bloomin' Babies readers as well - 40% off all orders now thru Friday, July 16, 2010 at midnight!!! Just use the online code of “ilovebuti” at checkout and the 40% will come off the total (before tax and shipping). I heart sales - especially awesome ones like this!

And the buti-bag company has lots more ad.ore.able stuff, like...

And these equally cute & very useful Bi-o-Pads, which can be used as shopping cart/restaurant high chair covers, or public changing station covers:

And there's SO much more drool-worthy stuff on their website!! I just thought I'd share since she's offering this promotion to invited customers only (including Bloomin' Babies readers)...so hurry over!! Baby Worry Bud will definitely be sporting some of Nicole's cute stuff!! And you may just see the buti-bag company's stuff again here on Bloomin' Babies if I can talk Nicole into a giveaway ::wink::. Happy Shopping! :o)


  1. Well sheesh, 40% off?! I might have to go check that out. I can't pass up a deal like that!

  2. Wow!!! 40% off. That's amazing. :-( I wish I had a reason to go shopping (no baby yet). I already bought a Coach baby bag I had not business buying last year. Not buying anything else right now.

  3. Yes! Hurry over girls!
    @ Ms. Understood - LOL, I feel you. It's so hard to resist all the cute baby stuff!
