July 5, 2010

22 weeks & feelin' good!

Hey everyone! Worry Bud here checking in - not too much going on with me & Baby WB, which is just how I like it - uneventful. My baby-buying obsession is still in full swing & I got baby WB lots of cute stuff this past week. I got a little bonus at work for a project I worked on, so I spent a lot spoiling her as usual. On my last post, a few people asked where I was getting all my baby deals & one place I go to A LOT is Zulily (full disclosure - if you sign up for a Zulily account through this link & if/when you buy something, I get a $10 credit to buy Baby WB even more cute stuff!). A few of the items I'm currently loving:

This ado.ra.ble pink guitar Pink Axle beanie on sale for $12 on Zulily, originally $22!

This chocolate & green buti bag company bundle bag/carry-all on sale for $35 on Zulily, originally $60!

The sales only last a few days each time they are posted, so make sure to check back constantly!! I am currently on a self-imposed baby-buying hiatus {until next pay period ::wink::} because my obsession is getting out of hand, lol. Seriously though. I.can't.stop. She's so spoiled already. :) I honestly need to limit my purchases to like maybe 2-3 items per 2-week pay period. I know that I will likely gets a lot of stuff at my baby shower, so I really, really try to not buy too much, but sometimes it's so hard when you find the CUTEST things at great prices! Sigh. I'll be sure to share more links in my coming posts.

So, from weeks 21-24 (month 5),
The Bump says baby is abo
ut the size of a Papaya! She is between 10.5-11.8 inches in length & between 12.7-20.8 ounces. At 19w6d, Baby WB was a little more than 11 ounces, so she's probably close to a pound or so now! She can most definitely hear us now & we talk to her lots & lots every day! She especially likes Mr. WB & she always starts kicking when she hears his voice. :) He even felt her kick for the first time yesterday...I was so happy! But, it's still really light to him, although they seem to be getting harder to me. Nothing painful at all, just noticeably harder. Her movement definitely happens all day, every day & I sometimes try to count her kicks. I read that you should be able to count about 10 kicks/movements in a 2-hour period. Usually I count from the first time I feel her & go from there. She should also be settling into sleep cycles & sleeping anywhere from 12-14 hours throughout the day & I am starting to realize when she's napping. I love this little bean so much & can't wait to meet her in November!!

Although it's finally sunk into my brain that I am pregnant, I still find it hard to believe that we are gonna have a baby in just a few short months. It's an awesome feeling & although we prayed for her (& can't wait until she's in our arms), it definitely makes you
think a little about just how much your life will change! Are we ready for the change? Of course we are, but it's a huge life-changing thing that's happening & it just makes you a think about a lot. I wonder about so many things, like if we will be good parents & know what we are doing (I have extensive experience with other people's kids, but I wonder if it'll be different with mine), if she will take to breastfeeding, how will the first couple of weeks be with her home, how will our furbaby (our spoiled dog) react to his new little sis...and lots & lots more! And of course, true to form, I still worry about her all the time & hope she's doing well in there. Knowing me, that'll never end - even when she does get here! But, she's continuing to wiggle around & kick & every time I feel her, it makes me calm down a little & smile big time. Overall, I'm feeling good. A little achy at the end of the days, but doing great overall! Besides all the worry that comes along with pregnancy, I really enjoy being pregnant!

Here is my 22 week bump pic - I feel like I definitely look pregnant now & am in maternity clothes full time at this point (although a few of my longer pre-pregnancy shirts still fit me). No belly stretch marks (or any others that I didn't already have) yet & I'm right on track with my weight gain according to my Dr. at my last appointment, which is also great!

Make sure you enter today's {and the rest of this week's} Bloomin' Babies 100 Followers Giveaway Celebration giveaways - they are all going to be awesome...I'm sooo jealous that you guys get a chance to get this stuff for FREE!


  1. i LOVE the polka dot bag!!! so cute!

  2. That bag was super cute. Wow. I can't believe you are more than halfway there. In 18 weeks lil WB will be here.

  3. That's so cute to hear about the kicks! And great about figuring out her sleep schedule. :)

  4. Super cute bag! Do you have a Marshalls or Ross around you? They have so many cute baby things!!!
