June 25, 2010

Almost to 15 weeks and time is flying!

I've finally emerged from the hellish first trimester, and I feel like I have my brain and sensibility back. Even though I got off pretty easy with little to no morning sickness, my worry-wart self was agonizing over every what-if every minute of the day. But with a couple good ultrasounds under my belt, and a nice strong heartbeat hearing this past Monday, I'm finally breathing a giant sigh of relief.

And my belly is breathing deeper, too! Just this week I've started to notice a little bump forming. It's tiny still, but it's there even when I wake up in the morning, and reminds me that my little Baby Bean is growing every day. Check it out:

My appetite is growing, too, which is probably the most enjoyable thing about being pregnant so far. Last night I had 2 ice cream desserts, 2 hours apart! At my 14w checkup I had already gained 11 lbs., which alarmed me, so I'm trying to put the brakes on a little bit. Right now, that includes swapping full-fat Ben & Jerry's for coconut whole fruit Popsicles. Hey, every little bit counts, right?

3 weeks from tomorrow we find out the sex! Eeek I can't wait!