So back to my ultrasound - I called on Monday to schedule the appointment, but the u/s scheduling lady tried talking me out of doing it at 18 weeks. She basically didn't even give me the option - annoying! She said she'd compromise with me at 19 weeks, but I just went ahead and did 20 since I'm off the day before I officially hit 20 weeks. Buuuuuuuuut, since I'm extremely impatient, I made an appointment at one of those 3D/4D ultrasound places to find out what the babe is this morning. So, as I'm writing this, I actually know the sex, but I'm not telling until after we get a chance to tell my family this weekend (already told Mr. WB's mom))!! But, I will say that I'm soooo excited to start buying stuff! :oP
According to The Bump (Photo Credit), this week our little one is the size of an avocado. Tiny bones are forming in his/her ears now, so s/he can definitely hear the two of us talking to him/her all the time! His eyebrows lashes & hair are all also starting to fill in & his taste buds are forming. I think there's definitely some sorta growth going on in my uterus this week because I can definitely feel it. I am still feeling good overall though - just random aches & pains here & there, sore boobs, going to sleep much earlier than normal, and sometimes killer heartburn (if I eat too much at one meal), but besides that I'm feeling great. I think my shirts are getting a little shorter, so Mr. WB took me out last night to buy a bunch last night & we got a few from gap Maternity that I lurve!! Oh & I'm not positive, but I started feeling little waves down in my pelvic area...I think it may be Baby WB wiggling around in there! S/he was definitely active at this AM's u/s & s/he was upside down in his/her sac, lol. The u/s tech counted 5 fingers & 5 toes - our perfect little one & so cute. :)
I'm so excited for you. Can't wait to hear the gender.