May 9, 2010

I bid you farewell!

Ah Bloomin' Babies readers... where do I begin with my farewell? I sure thought I'd get out a few more posts after Baby GB was born but I just can't find the time! I had a few started... and I'm really disappointed that I never got to my "What I've learned about being KTFU - 3rd Tri addition" along with maybe a "Postpartum addition." Maybe one of the other buds can help me with that when they get to that point... lol... it had potential :)

It's been really fun though getting to tell my story through BB and I love that I got to share it - Baby GB is now 6 weeks!!! Oiy Vey! I can't believe how fast it's gone... I'm already 1/2 way through my maternity leave and I'm SO not looking forward to going back to work. I'm trying not to think about it though and just enjoy the rest of my time at home with Baby GB! I thought after a few weeks once we got settled in at home that I'd have more time to keep up with the blog but I just can't find the time!

Anyway, I find it appropriate that I bid my farewell on Mother's Day... the only chance I've gotten to even log in to Blogger - only because Mr. GB is napping with baby :) I wish ALL the new and old buds the best of luck in their journey and I can't WAIT to meet more of your bloomin' babies!!!



  1. Wishing you the best Glow Bud! Thank you so much for sharing your story with all of us! And I agree, the What I've Learned series def had potential, I loved it! Congrats again on your precious LO & Happy Mother's Day to you!!

  2. Happy Mother's day. It was really nice reading all of your posts. Best of luck to you and yours.
